Choosing The Right Bed For Healthier Living
Most of us have experienced back problems at some point in life, and many times the bed is the real culprit. You might want to consider getting a new platform bed, which is both comfortable and sturdy for the support of your back. Always consult a doctor first, and choose what’s best for your health!
A friend came to me the other day with a complaint. He was working too many hours (as most people do) at the office and his back was giving him terrible pain. He told me that he had thought it was the chair at the office or the arching of his neck before the computer,

but said that he had ordered a new chair and tried to remedy his neck problems through raising his computer and through exercise and stretching. Unfortunately, his problems persisted and he was stumped about how to solve them. In the end he went to the doctor who told him that his back problems were probably the result of a combination of the above, plus the real hammer - a bad bed. To make a long story short, he had decided, albeit through necessity, to get himself a new bed for the holidays, but didn’t know what to get at the furniture store. He came to me for my advice since I had once had a similar problem, about making a choice for his bed. Without hesitation I told him to get a platform bed. Why a platform bed? There are a number of reasons for this and a number of reasons why someone with back problems would want to go with such a design. In the first place, such beds are usually low and hence closer to the ground. Also, they have a hard solid frame, which generally removes the ‘sagginess’ which other kinds of beds have - an absolute no-no for anyone with a bad back. The second point is that the mattress, like the bed, is both comfortable and yet sturdy. You see the thing is most people think that a bed should be as soft as possible, bringing into mind the earlier 80’s waterbed design, an utter catastrophe for a bad back. The fact of the matter is that the more contemporary bedroom furniture takes into mind more than just your nightly comfort, considering the fact that you also have to live once you get out of bed. Don’t misunderstand my point here. A platform bed exceeds the softer varieties in comfort while yet bringing health to your back and spine. It does this by giving you support at night, which the other versions simply cannot do. What also makes a platform bed a good choice is the fact that there are many varieties that you can choose from, which makes such beds a perfect addition to your bedroom furniture set. You can choose from dozens of colors and designs, from a sleeker look to the traditional look which only real wood can bring to any furniture. So if you find yourself in a similar situation as my friend, I would advise you to first contact your doctor (I’m not a doctor!) and see precisely what the problem is. If he urges you to get a new bed and mattress, then consider buying modern platform beds, made for both comfort and for healthier living. You will thank yourself when you find that you’ve also made for a healthier you.