Since all members of the family contribute to the clutter and grime in a household all should contribute to the clean-up. Teach family members how to do their chores and put things in their proper places.
The household is a place where everyone in your family lives and each of them contributes to the clutter in the house. Everyone wants the house to be a place that is neat and clean,
so everyone should contribute to cleaning the house as well. Cleaning the house as a family can not only get household cleaning done faster, but it can prove to be a bonding experience for your family as well.
Each family member feels that they are part of the family and should be included in all of the family fun and activities, so they should also be included in keeping the house clean. Think about the age of your family members, since young children probably cannot do too much in cleaning, but they can be taught to pick up their toys.
Young children should be taught the basics of cleaning. For example, soiled clothes go into the laundry room, dirty dishes go into the sink, and trash needs to be put in the trash can. By teaching this to your children early, they will be able to develop cleaning habits and help around the house in the future.
If you have teenagers, they should be in charge of their own room and its cleanliness. They are old enough to clean it on their own, and they should be taught to do it right. They can also help out in some other tasks around the house like washing the dishes or cleaning the car.
Your spouse and other adults living in your house should already be helping out in the cleaning. If they are not, then it is necessary to remind them, but don't nag them too much. If you find that they are leaving things around the house, tell them to clean it up. Eventually, they will not need to be told.
Other tasks that should be assigned to capable family members include dusting and polishing the furniture, organizing things around the house, mopping and vacuuming up the floor. Everyone should do their fair share of the chores so that everything will get done and no one will be doing less than the others.
You may have to teach other members of the house to do certain chores. For example, not everyone may know how to dust and polish furniture. Teach them what to use and how to clean the furniture without damaging it. Cleaning the bathroom is also hard to do, so make sure that anyone who is doing it knows what they are doing. Keep the chemicals away from young children's reach and make sure that those who are using them take the right precautions when cleaning.
In order to keep things neat and tidy, it is necessary to put things in their proper places. You can set up containers in each room for everyone's things so that they don't get lost or thrown away by accident. Make sure that there are trashcans in every room, so that trash doesn't get piled up in corners of the room.