Color: Coloring Page Kids Should Discover Two Fun Facts
Kid, you love coloring pages and color. So I’ll give you a coloring kid's braggin’ rights know stuff present. Here are two fun color history facts most kids do not know. You learn them and then teach other coloring pages kids.

you love coloring pages and color. You and millions of other kids have free coloring pages, coloring books, and printable coloring pages. You spend 30 minutes every day with coloring and drawing activities. Here are two fun color history facts most kids do not know. So I’ll give you a braggin’ rights present... You’ll discover: 1. Color is a Part of Light 2. Color is Absorbed, Reflected, or Transmitted.1. Color is a Part of LightLight is created by the sun, fire or manmade stuff like bulbs and flashlights. Kid, your eyeballs and brain pick up the colors in the light. You normally see the same colors other people see... Beasts, bugs, and birds eyeball colors differently than you. You and a spider look at a ball. It looks red to you. The spider sees the ball as black. It is still a ball but the color appears differently...Red, blue, and green light are the backbone of all colors. You can also mix red, blue and green pigments to create every other color. Your crayon colors are made from pigments...2. Color is absorbed, reflected, or transmitted.Look coloring pages kid, when light slams into an object (we’ll say a ball) one of three things happen:1. The ball sucks all the light in - absorbs it like a bath towel.2. The ball shoots the light back to you - reflecting like a flashlight on a mirror. Or3. The ball lets the light shine through itself - transmits like an ice cube or cats eye marble.Pay attention, boy:Light slams (you can’t hear the slamming) into the ball and if all the light shoots back at you white is the color you see. That’s called reflected light... Let's say red, green and blue lights slam into the ball. The ball sucks in the red and green lights. That’s called absorbed light... The blue light shoots back at you. You see the reflecting blue color. You have a blue ball.Your green house plant sucks in (absorbs) red and blue colors and shoots back the green (reflected) color you see...Here is one: The rottweiler’s fur sucks in (absorbs) all the red, blue and green light slamming into it. The colors can’t be seen. No colors are shot back at you. You see black fur. If you see color the fur is not totally black. The shiny coat and growling fangs only reflect light when the dog sees you coming... Last One: Your momma’s crystal sparkles. The light slams into it and comes out the other side (transmitting). Hold the glass in front of another color - say purple - you will see purple in the glass. If you drop the crystal - hold up a broken piece in front of momma's face you’ll see red in the glass... Learn more about pigment colored flour in "Coloring Page Crayons History: Four Fun Facts for Kids" ...You did good kid. You can brag now. You discovered:+ Color is a part of light.+ Color absorbs, reflects and transmits.+ Your crayons are made of colored flour called pigment.+ Eyeballs and brains help see color.+ Millions of colors are mixed from red, blue and green. Permission is granted to reprint the article you are reading "Color: Coloring Page Kids Should Discover Two Fun Facts".Use it for your website, home school, elementary school, Art History, art class, kids’ arts and crafts, teacher resource, church or library. Keep the Coloring Pages Book for Kids Boys live links and credits intact. Get more free articles, free coloring pages and coloring books to buy.