Cry-Baby or Cry, Baby
whatever it takes for weary and worn parents to get a decent night’s sleep is the way to go. his method is now commonly referred to as the “Cry It Out Method.
It is one of those parenting questions that have plagued generations of parents: Should you let a child “cry it out” at naptime or bedtime? In recent years,

the answer has seemed to be that comforting a crying child is the way to go during the waking hours, but that when it comes to sleeping times, especially at night, whatever it takes for weary and worn parents to get a decent night’s sleep is the way to go.
In the early 1990s, Dr. Richard Ferber convinced a generation of parents to let their babies cry it out. His Solving Your Child’s Sleep Problem became the go-to guide for any parent who had difficulty getting a child to sleep at nap times or bedtimes. Recently, however, Dr. Ferber has emphasized that he never intended for parents to ignore all tears, but to gradually increase the time before going in to the child’s bedroom to respond. Still, his method is now commonly referred to as the “Cry It Out Method.”
An article this month in Psychology Today suggests that crying it out could be dangerous for a child. The study suggests that crying would have been something that our primitive ancestors would have assuaged because a crying baby would have drawn predators. One of the leaders of the study suggests that human babies are designed to have their needs met quickly and doing so enables their brains to develop properly. Failure to do so can lead, according to some researchers, to ADHD, poor academic performance, and other developmental issues.
Regardless of where parents come down on the cry it out or not issue, it is important that both parents agree on how they will respond to cries from their child at nap time and at night. If the child will be attending a child care center, it is also important that the parents understand what the naptime policies at the center are. Just as there are multiple theories when it comes to parenting and different parents see success with different parenting methods, so, too, do various child care centers throughout the Fairfax, VA, area that have different approaches when it comes to nap time. One approach may not be better than another, but different approaches seem to work better with a particular child and for that child’s family.
As is the case with so many of those time-tested parenting questions, sometimes the best answer is the answer that is best for the child and parent together. When it comes to choosing a child care facility, the approach of the center also needs to be figured into the mix.