Live auctions offer a rewarding and fun experience. People gather to find bargains through an easy to follow and understand bidding process.
Discover What Live Auctions Are All About
An auction can be a very rewarding experience
and the whole bidding process is easy to understand
It seems common among folks who have never attended a live auction to believe that these auctions are too intimidating or too confusing because of the openness of the bidding and the quickness of the pace. They tend to conjure up images of the stereotyped, super fast-talking auctioneer at a livestock or car auction who rattles off incoherent babble that makes it hard to tell what the bid is at any given time.
It is true that cattle auctions, for instance, are called by auctioneers who have a chant that is not understandable to the general public, but the people who attend those types of auctions, ranchers and other livestock professionals, for example, are trained to listen and keep track of the bidding. These bidders are professionals who attend many auctions and they have learned to follow along with the auctioneer and place their bid at just the right time.
When we think about auctions that take place around town, typically held in an auction barn or, in the case of an estate auction, often held on the property of the estate, the process is more coherent. Most auctioneers who call auctions in auction barns have a methodical, easy to follow chant that anyone can easily follow, even when one attends his or her first auction. It’s really simple for anyone to successfully bid at a live auction without ending up with something for which they paid too much or didn’t want.
For your very first auction, the key is to carefully observe the auctioneer and his style and then look around at the bidding audience. Notice how people are bidding. After a while, you will get the hang of it and you will most likely enjoy the entire event.
Live auctions are more than just a group of people yelling out bids at a furious pace in an auction house. They are social gathering places as well, where people come to mingle with the crowd and strike-up conversations with other bidders whom they have met at other live auctions around the area. There are usually refreshments and food for the auctions that last several hours. It’s actually a good time and you can find some great bargains at live auctions like antiques, collectibles, rare items and a host of other merchandise. You never know what you are going to find. That is part of the attraction. It’s like treasure hunting.
Take advantage of auctions around your town and bring a friend. It will be a good experience as an afternoon outing with many rewards. So, get in on the fun, auctions are for everyone!
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