Getting The Weight Loss Result You Want By Cutting Out Meals
Balanced eating can only take you so far when it comes to dieting and although you will want to make sure that you take in a variety of different foods to help provide ample nutrition it may just be time to quit eating meals. This may sound extreme but meals are just bad news.
Balanced eating can only take you so far when it comes to dieting and although you will want to make sure that you take in a variety of different foods to help provide ample nutrition it may just be time to quit eating meals. This may sound extreme but meals are just bad news.
No one is suggesting that anyone should starve themselves or completely stop eating to see weight loss results. The simple fact is that by cutting out meals,

you should not equate that with starvation. Meals tend to have problem areas such as overloading the system with calories and many of the foods should never be eating together because they create problems in the digestive system. This actually is one of the major reasons why food combining is becoming a very effective way to keep weight under control while reaping the benefits of a better functioning body system.
By simply cutting out the meals we have been taught to eat and replacing them with all small eating portions that can be consumed when we get hungry. This will avoid overeating, eating too much calories and keeping the dietary balance in roller coaster mode and thus making weight control an issue. Meals are a bad example of eating healthy or a good example of dietary balance. The key now appears to be smaller portions consumed as needed all day.
Jenny Craig is one diet program that does encourage this type of eating. Their meal plans are such that they allow individuals to portion control and eat less food more frequently. Many believe that this is the reason for its success and the incredible weight loss that it has helped many people sustain and attain.
The more frequently a person eats, motivates and elevates their metabolism and a very good reason for choosing this method of nutrition. Your body and not the clock dictate when your body needs nourishment without following the usual breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper routine that has been so ingrained into our consciousness. Simply keeping healthy snack foods on hand will immediately satisfy any hunger pangs as they surface to be fed.
No matter whether you are looking for a healthier way to enjoy the foods you love or if you are trying to lose weight, eating smaller snacks more often and less meals will definitely help you put your eating habits back on track. Nothing is more suited to fit each individuals needs than an eating plan that has you eating only when you are hungry and not just because it is lunch or dinnertime.