Guidelines For Normal Child Development
Child development is generally at the forefront of a parents thoughts. Every parent that I know only wants the best for their children and this includes being reasonably happy, very healthy and developing as they should do normally.
Child development is generally at the forefront of a parents thoughts. Every parent that I know only wants the best for their children and this includes being reasonably happy,

very healthy and developing as they should do normally.
It is sad that one of the biggest issues that parents will face is from other parents and their own family members in the form or doubting and questioning the child's development. This problem is usually pointed out when others began to compare a child's development with others who have excelled in development and are farther along than others of their own age group.
Big development issues are noticed in the areas of walking, talking, potty training and other personal activities. Every parent wants their child to excel in every area and meet all these milestones with flying colors in a timely manner. It is in preforming these activities that others will notice problems the child is experiencing and this can be devastating to a parent that wants their child to be normal as well as meanness from other kids. Normal is defined in several ways and is relatively immeasurable and these areas will show up any developmental problems.
Many parents will not dispute that bath-rooming is a particularly big issue in child development due to messy diapers that don't mix well with school attendance. School districts are always on the look out for the very young that they can train to be the next Mogul with super brains they helped to develop. This places a ton of pressure on not just the parents but the child as well to get the child past the diaper time to regular use of the toilet. When a young child has trouble with potty training, many of the parents are unable to work a full time job, because most daycare centers will not accept a child over the age of two that is not using the potty by themselves, no matter how normal they are. All the pressure this creates, can also be counterproductive for the child being toilet trained and can lead to setbacks for everyone.
You should research as much as you can about childhood development, but there will be times when you just want to talk to a child professional such as the child's pediatrician. This is the best time to seek advise on any concerns relating to your child, how they are developing and if that is normal. Most all children will get through the toilet training stages with flying colors in their own time and meet the expected milestones or childhood development markers that every child must face. The last thing you want to do is create a environment of pressure or stress that has been known to create blockers and make the training worse. Let them progress on their own and they will surprise you.