Normal 0 Being a 69 Year young “bag of mostly water” (human), and with quite a few 12 month periods of
Being a 69 Year young “bag of mostly water” (human), and with quite a few 12 month periods of helping others (mostly teenagers) with all sorts of challenges and other assorted problems. And personally, I am totally 100% convinced that they are good folks, and have the potential to become great citizens through education and good guidance.
What really frustrates me, and others, is that because a few have disrupted some classes, and because some weird idiot/s are afraid to face the real problems, someone has said that we are not allowed to punish our children.
I was brought up the old fashion method, and I am still here today…actually, I am extremely elated over the fact that my parents cared enough!
Another item that seriously polarizes my happy self are those stupid fanatics that put their children out on the streets with no where to go, and nothing to do, but live there – attempting to find food out of dumpsters. And I have had two young folks relate that they were thrown out because they did not follow the bible….now how low-life can a person get? They pitch their children out in the name of god! All I can state here is that I truly hope there is a special place in the lower depths of ______ (you fill in the blank space) for them.
When I lived in Florida, and asked others about their children, I couldn’t believe how many folks told me in different words, that their children” never call, write, or visit – the (off color names).” Well, I think I know why!
However; now that the above is out of my system, there are a myriad of ways to help your children…good education at school, the local library, making sure they get involved with one or more types of sports, Tai Chi, and many others methods of learning.
From the minute they are born, read to them as much as possible…even if they are crawling around on the floor, or playing with some toy --- they ARE listening…their brains are soaking up everything around them. Read to them every chance you get, and encourage them constantly to read.
But there is another device that should be adhered to on a regular basis is when they are out with friends, and you get a sudden gut instinct, intuition, or whatever you wish to name it, that something might not be right --- check! It doesn’t matter how often, but check!
Yes, they are going to say that you don’t trust them, you are embarrassing them, and maybe get loud…but it doesn’t matter. Just calmly tell them that you did it to be sure they are safe, and because you love them!
I cannot begin to count the number of times I have heard the following statement from teenagers: “My parents don’t care, they never check on me!” Trust me folks, you either check on them, or some gang or drug dealer will pay a lot of attention to them. It pays to check, and it pays off in the long run!
When you tell them they cannot do something, be very sure that you explain, again calmly, why! You have to remember that they do not have the education you do, nor do they have the experience you have. And if you do not explain it to them, they may never know why, until it is too late.
Another item I relate to them is when they are approached by someone who wants them to do something they know they shouldn’t do, is to put the blame on their parents. Let them blame you, the parent.
When they are still young (not yet teenagers), one of the absolute best things you can do for them is help them discover their talents and abilities, show them how they can earn a good living at them, and then help them lay out the steps to attain those goals.
By helping them with the above, you give them hope for a happy future, confidence that they can attain the goals, and you prove to them that you do love them --- plus, you have laid the foundation for times in your elderly ages when you will be alone, and your children will call, write, and visit you.
One other important, fantastic, fabulous, and worthy benefit for you as the parent, is that you fulfilled one of your greatest responsibilities --- helping your children! Now just imagine what you can do next!
Just Walking In The Rain
Normal 0 For those of you that are not aware of it, the title is the name of a song that, for whatever reason, I can stillAging
Normal 0 One of my many favorite sayings is: “My body lives in 2008, but the rest of me lives in the 1950's!” The reason my body lives in the year 2008 is because I made the mistake ofA Realistic Impossible Dream
Normal 0 I am totally indoctrinated in the belief that absolutely everyone should hold in their hearts and minds, an impossible dream – but it must be