Can parents help affect the weight of their children? This article describes a number of ways in which they can have a significant affect on their weight and ultimate livelihood.
Recent studies have shown that there is an increasingtrend in the number of overweight and obese children. Infact, there are estimates that say up to 15% of thechildren in UK fit this description. It is a sad fact, to say the least. Some experts go so far as to say that because of the children's bad eating habits and lack of exercise, more and more parents will end up burying their own children.
So, what can the parents do about this? Here are eightthoughts to ponder and hopefully take action on.
Obesity and excess weight gain are usually a direct resultof poor eating habits and lack of exercise. The key here isto provide your child with a balanced healthy diet andencourage physical activities.
Realize that not all overweight issues are hereditary.Many experts say that in reality, only a small percent ofobesity and weight gain can be attributed to heredity….. Sodon't automatically blame your genes!
Children often mimic the bad eating habits and inactivityof their parents. Therefore set an example by eatingbalanced meals and exercising regularly. When the childrenare very young, they will want to eat what is on yourplate. What better time is there to start some good eatinghabits yourselves?
Encourage your children to walk more and take part inphysical activities. Parents do not need to continuallydrive their children every where when they can easily walkthere. Also, monitor the time they spend in front of thetelevision. How does this compare to the time they spendoutside playing or participating in some physical activities.
Minimize fast food, sweets, and convenience meals. Theyare all high in calories and full of salt and sugar. Theyare cheap, available and targeted to our children throughtelevision, so beware.
Luckily it is easier to change a child's eating habitsthan it is to change an adults. If you are concerned aboutyour child's weight you should encourage them to eat avariety of fresh foods that are nutritious. You should alsoreplace foods that are high in fat such as cookies,chocolate, and cakes with alternatives that are healthysuch as fresh fruit, wholegrain bread or crackers.
The way you cook (and shop) also has an effect on their(and your) weight. That is, grill or bake foods rather thanfry them. Watch the types of carbohydrates you eat. Buyfresh fruit juices rather than sodas. Start their day withlow sugar cereals. Minimize the amount of sweets(chocolate) in the house and substitute, instead, thingslike dried fruits, nuts and granola.
Develop good eating habits.
To prevent children grazing all day, provide themwith regular meals at set, routine times. Don't allow yourchild to each while they do homework or watch television.
Use mealtimes as an opportunity for the family to sittogether at a table. Encourage your child to listen to whattheir stomachs tell them so they learn to only eat whenthey are hungry as opposed to eating out of habit.
Teach your child to chew their food thoroughly andeat at a slower pace so they savour and appreciate theirfood.
Ask your child to assist you when you are preparingfood so they are more interested and aware of what they areeating. A child who has helped prepare a healthy meal ismore likely to eat it. Encourage older children to keep afood diary to identify the times they are likely to snack.
There you have eight points on how the parent caninfluence the eating habits of their children, which inturn, should positively affect the child's weight gain.
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