How to Organise the Best Kids Party Bags
Children expect a party bag at the end of a party and it has become party etiquette to provide one. They are usually the last thing that is arranged, but certainly the most important. After all, a great party should end with a great gift to remember.
Once you have confirmed the number of children attending,

you can then get stuck into planning the party bags. It is best not to leave this too late, as you will be surprised at how much time, effort and thought needs to go into providing impressive party gifts.
First of all, decide on your budget and how much you are willing to spend. If you are having a whole class of twenty to thirty kids then you might have a limit of perhaps two pounds per bag. However if you are having a smaller party then of course you could increase your spend.
Consider the age of the children too. Younger guests under the age of three, will need age appropriate gifts, for example avoid very small toys that they could choke on.
If you are having a party where boys and girls are attending, think about whether you would prefer to have specific bags for boys and girls or whether you would prefer to have unisex party bags. All of these considerations will help in deciding on the best gifts to give.
Where possible it is always a nice touch to have party bags that fit around a party theme which in a way completes the party. Obviously your budget will determine on which type you can give, however it is just a case of using lots of imagination and coming up with something a bit more unique.
Party bags do not necessarily have to be actual bags either and it has simply become the term used to represent a party gift. If your budget is fairly limited, this doesn't mean that you have to resort to cheap plastic loot bags, with cheap plastic toys inside. Instead be creative and try to come up with some alternative ideas. It could be as simple as making some cookies and wrapping each one in a clear cellophane bag tied with ribbon. Or perhaps just giving each child a reading book, or a gift that they can make use of, such as a t-shirt or a personalised fabric bag.
Remember it is not only what you give but how it is presented that matters. If you are not a creative person or have left it too late to make up your own party bags, then there are many places where you can buy ready made pre-filled bags, available to suit all kinds of budgets.