How Will Parent Effectiveness Training Help The Kids?
Parent effectiveness training is about learning how to help your kids grow up in today's world. If you aren't well organized about your parenting then...
Parent effectiveness training is about learning how to help your kids grow up in today's world. If you aren't well organized about your parenting then chances are you aren't consistent either. Children are excellent natural manipulators and the more you let them get away with the more they will try for another round.
Co-parenting in today's world isn't easy and training can help two people raising children come together in agreement. This applies to parents that are living together as well as parents that are living apart. When both of you can agree on the rules,

discipline, and basic goals you are much more in sync. This helps eliminate the problem of parent splitting.
All parents have different opinions when it comes down to the details. Parent effectiveness training can help you at least agree and act upon a basic set of values and rules that keep you on track for your children. The goals you have for your kids are good goals. You want them to get out into the world well equipped to be successful, good people. Intentional action is the vital role in attaining that goal.
You may not find that every class is exactly right for you. It's possible that your relaxed style is comfortable for you and you don't want to change it too much. Yet when problems arise you realize that you need to take the next step.
Don't dismiss a class based solely on the fact that you think it conflicts with your parenting style. How is your parenting style working? Are you fighting emotional battles with your children or are they relatively compliant and well mannered? Do they respect what you establish or are you just inching along? Honesty now can save you much heartache later.
While kids want to test you and get their way they also crave the structure and the understanding that rules and consequences bring to the table. Your kids might not initially like your sudden effectiveness but they will come to respect it and even quite possibly agree with it.
Parent effectiveness training is a great way to check in with your parenting skills and help improve the household function. It can bring parents together and help children understand the value of the rules you are trying to teach. When there is clarity there is also peace.