Living a Creative & Fulfilling Life

Jan 26


Dr. Sheri Rosenthal

Dr. Sheri Rosenthal

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In our society children are domesticated to understand that when they reach adulthood they will be required to get a job and support themselves. Our parents often teach us that it is important for us to have a good education so that we can make decent money and have the things we want to have in life. On the surface this all seems normal.

However,Living a Creative & Fulfilling Life Articles this type of domestication contains subtle fear-based messages.

Rather than encouraging children to be in fear of making a “good” living, it would be exciting to see to see us teach our children how to think of our lives as beautiful creations. It isn’t about getting a good job to make the money to do things on the weekend that we enjoy. Instead, what would it be like if we were taught to expand our creativity and look at our work as a creative outlet?

Creativity is an expression of spirit moving through us. Just look outside your window – you see nature creating all over the place. We are no different from nature. We are going to be here (wherever here is) for our entire lives. We can spend our lives being creative and excited about life or we can suffer a job that makes a good living and then see if we have enough time for our creative outlets on the weekends.

Albert Einstein once said, “The greatest formal talent is worthless if it does not serve a creativity which is capable of shaping a cosmos.” If we perceive ourselves as the Infinite, then we will not live in fear and buy into the need to worry about making a “good” living. Instead we will look to spend our lives creating, knowing that we will make a good living if we fulfill ourselves and express ourselves spiritually. It is the confidence in knowing that we can create our life any way we want, and it will be filled with abundance – whether that abundance is of money, friends, love or creativity.

My life is my cosmos. And so is yours.
If you created your universe with awareness, love and joy, what would it look like?
What are you doing with the many talents you were born with into this reality?
Are you inspired on a daily basis?
Do you wake up excited about what your day will bring?
Do you dream about what you are going to create next?

If the answers are yeses, fantastic! But if the answers are  nos, then it is time to look at some of these fear-based beliefs and change the focus of your life from having the goal of making money to consciously and actively creating.

I encourage you to meditate on what I have written here today. Be honest with yourself and see what beliefs you are buying into. You do have a choice – you just might have to make a different one!

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