Many building blocks benefits and generalities

Dec 19




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When cleaning toys, you need to be careful.


There is nothing that children want in this world more than toys,Many building blocks benefits and generalities Articles the problem is that today most of them have a high price (if we talk about brands). Once they begin to ask for expensive toys, you should find building blocks- you should try to remain in good condition to no longer invest in the same and also to protect your children from any potential disease.

Furthermore, you must clean building blocks. To do so:

-         Wash with warm water and glycerin soap, and then you have to rinse with cold water. 

-         Even if the fabric toy is the best quality, still wash it with soap but let it soak for 20 minutes. As it does not use batteries, they can be cleaned with ease.

Want to know how to clean every type of toy? We can guide you well:

-         After the child finishes playing, you should wash with soap and water.

-         They should be washed with hot water and scrub with your hands.

-         Place in a bucket with soap and water, several wood toys of the same type.

As you know, not all toys can be washed and therefore must take into account the product's indications. Do not use elements such as chlorine, since, though they sanitize, they can be toxic

Truth is, toys vary. Some use stretchy, cotton and wool, some have buttons and other glow in the dark to be impregnated with non-toxic paint. However, building blocks are simple! Top developers collect the material and classify it according to what we have designed the product. Raising awareness is good! Experts agree that at the moment few people are interested in buying a sustainable toy. Among the reasons are the lack of dissemination and lack of interest in recycling and environmental care. There is a wooden toy culture in some places.

Building blocks are often consumed only by people with sensitivity to the environment. In the conventional toy is almost all plastic. If there is a greater awareness, not throw away everything directly. At the time of purchase, is the consumer who must wonder what kind of product is acquired. In doing so it explores the origin of the materials and the type of production, which is a very important step. Many campaigns are being held. This may help raise awareness to their parents. The reality is that today the purchase is made on the package and the visual.

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