Maternity Clothes Guidelines

Jan 30


Emma Whatson

Emma Whatson

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There is no reason you shouldn't wear gorgeous dresses and look beautiful during pregnancy.

A lot of women avoid wearing nice clothes when they get pregnant because they believe that they look fat or ugly. You know that there’s nothing more beautiful than a pregnant woman glowing and smiling,Maternity Clothes Guidelines Articles so you shouldn’t hide your body during pregnancy. Here are some tips that will make you look fabulous during those 9 months.


In the first few months of pregnancy you won’t actually look pregnant, just like you gained a few pounds so you may still wear your old clothes. However, things will start to get really annoying because you will soon need elastic pants or jeans especially made for pregnant woman. If it’s summer, you can still opt for one of your dresses if it’s a little loose. You should also look for longer trench coats or even tunics if the cold weather it’s on its way. Make sure that you buy a trench coat a few sizes bigger because you don’t want to buy another one in just a few weeks.


Once the first months of your pregnancy pass, you will need to buy clothes especially designed for pregnant women. It is very important to buy them because you will feel comfortable and they are usually made from special materials. If you have to wear an office outfit everyday, you should keep it basic: trousers, a tunic, a jacket or a trench coat. You should avoid wearing heels during your pregnancy because your feet will get swollen much easier now. Make sure that you wear comfortable shoes and if you have to wear heels just wear the smallest heels you can find. Also, you might notice that you will have to buy shoes that are one size bigger because of your swelling.


There’s another way you can get maternity clothing without spending money. If your sister or a close friend has been recently pregnant you can probably borrow her clothes, she won’t be using them anymore anyway. It’s a great way to save some money and the clothes will be almost new. There are even websites on the internet when moms swap clothes, so it’s worth trying. After you are finished with them, you can return the favor.


Being pregnant doesn’t mean that you have to stop thinking about what you need to wear, you can look beautiful with pregnancy clothes too, just make sure that you feel comfortable in them because that’s the most important factor now.
