Novel Fundraising Ideas, Communicate With Parents

Aug 27


Juan Franco

Juan Franco

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Communication is one of the most important things in a successful fundraising endeavor. Without Effective communication we often end up falling short of our goal. Here is a novel fundraising tip to keeping the lines of communication open.


Copyright (c) 2008 AIM Fundraising

One of the first things to look at when planning any novel fundraising event is how to make your plans remembered and acted on by the parents of your school kids. With parental help comes a better fundraiser. Here are some things you need to consider while planning that novel fundraising event.

Communication is one of the most important things in a successful fundraising endeavor. Without Effective communication we often end up falling short of our goal. One novel fundraising tip to keep the lines of communication open.

Send out Letters

When planning a new fundraiser a simple letter is one of the best forms of communication,Novel Fundraising Ideas, Communicate With Parents Articles especially in an educational setting. It is not a novel fundraising idea to make plans not only to run a new fundraiser but to make plans for communicating to the parents about it. I don't know about you but when my children brought home a letter from school I was very interested in reading it.

At the beginning of the year you might send out a letter to inform your PTO/PTA members of the new fundraisers that you intend to hold throughout the year. Let me give you an example.

Dear Mr. Smith

In order to keep our PTA/PTO members apprised of the fundraising events that are planned at our school this year I thought it would be best to give you the specifics ahead of time.

We have a pressing need at the school to replace some of the aging computers in the technology room. To do this effectively we need to raise $9,000.00 this Fall in order to get this done and installed by January. This month we are going to kickoff our Interstate Batteries fundraiser! I know it sounds like a novel fundraising project, but think about it. Ask yourself, "Is there anyone that you know that does not use them?"? If a battery runs out on a TV remote or a game controller, it's the kind of thing you go to the store right then and replace if you don't have spares at home! This is a very successful fundraiser for most groups. One group of 71 students had a $73,000 sale with BATTERIES! We don't need to raise that much, but we feel confident that we will exceed our goal if we have your support in this effort.

Hopefully you can see that in the example above the entire fundraiser is outlined. A well informed parent is an asset that should not be overlooked.

Shortly before kicking off your novel fundraising event, it would be good to send out another letter to remind your members and parents. This will give them time to ready themselves for the event, instead of having a "deer in the headlights" look on their face when reminded at the last minute or worse, when they see the sales brochure come home with their child.

Effective communication with your members will ensure that they are ready to help when the time comes. Having an "in demand" novel fundraising product also helps to ensure that any new fundraiser that you try is profitable.