Raising A Toddler Can Be Complicated
When you are initially handed that little person in the hospital it is a joyous moment and one that every parent treasures. Healthy newborns have very basic needs. They need to be loved, held, fed, changed, and cared for however they are pretty simple to care for because they spend a whole lot of time sleeping.
When you are initially handed that little person in the hospital it is a joyous moment and one that every parent treasures. Healthy newborns have very basic needs. They need to be loved,

held, fed, changed, and cared for however they are pretty simple to care for because they spend a whole lot of time sleeping.
As they grow into toddlers the tribulations of taking care of these little people also grow. They start making their way throughout the home and get into just about everything. This is possibly the most complicated stage of parenting because they are so active and if you have not had another child they will almost certainly teach you all the things that you need to childproof along the way.
Unfortunately, quite a few parents do not realize that a child doesn’t need to be walking to get into serious trouble and even children who are only crawling around can very easily pull themselves up and get into things that before they could not access. During this stage everything has to be locked up because although a toddler can access just about everything on the lower levels of your home they still do not have the knowledge of what to do with these items and for the most part they will stick everything in their mouths.
Choking is possibly one of the largest risks that toddlers face and that's why it is so important for new parents to take a first aid class. Having the ability to carry out the Heimlich maneuver on your toddler when they're choking on a foreign object can help to save their life. Although, these first aid classes might seem pointless they really do help people to prepare themselves for how to handle a crisis or emergency.
Another serious risk that plagues children of this age is drowning. A child isn't simply at risk of drowning in a swimming pool although in most cases the accidental drowning of a toddler takes place in a toilet bowl, bathtub, or in some tragic cases even a bucket or sink. Toddlers are very top heavy and so once they wind up head first in water, even a very small amount, if their nose and mouth are submerged then there's a good chance that they won’t be able to pull themselves out of it. Again a first aid class can let you know how to properly perform mouth to mouth and CPR on your child which might be the only way to save their life.
All in all raising a toddler is challenging and while you can’t keep an eye on them every single minute you can baby proof your house as much as possible and also prepare by having all caregivers take a first aid class. You can never be too careful when caring for your child.