Reasons to Use an Adoption Agency
You will want to find a licensed and trustworthy agency to provide you with the services you need during your pregnancy. Some agencies may be partial to one or the other and so if that is a concern then be sure to find out in the beginning.
There are several reasons why you should consider using an Oklahoma adoption agency. If you are an unwed mother who would like to place her baby for adoption or if you are a couple who would like to expand your family through the gift of adoption, then an Oklahoma adoption agency is the answer for you. Because placing a baby for adoption is so difficult,

it is important to have someone on your side to help counsel you and help you through the legal process of placing a baby for adoption. You will want to find a licensed and trustworthy agency to provide you with the services you need during your pregnancy.
Many of these agencies also offer services to adoptive parents and can help you to look at profiles to choose a family that will be right for your baby. Case workers are there to help you in your decision and take care to screen all of the adoptive couples so that your baby will end up in loving, secure and safe family environment. Find out up front if your Oklahoma adoption agency is willing to work with open and closed adoptions. Some agencies may be partial to one or the other and so if that is a concern then be sure to find out in the beginning.
Another thing to look for is if the agency treats you with dignity and respect. Professional agencies should be able to provide you with encouragement, counsel as well as protect you in all legal matters concerning the adoption. Many states allow the adoptive couples to pay for the expenses associated with the mothers care during her pregnancy and your agency should be able to provide you with the information related to these services.
You will also need to use an agency that is licensed and know the legal rights on the birth father. You will want to make sure that all of the paper work is in place through an attorney so that relinquishment and consent is properly given for the baby to be adopted.
You may also want to find an Oklahoma adoption agency that offers counseling after you place your baby for adoption. Placing a baby for adoption can be a life changing experience and you may need help in sorting out your feelings after the placement and so you will want to have a licensed counselor who can help you through your feelings after the placement.