You probably heard lots of recipes for removing ink from clothingand furniture but I'm going to share a few with you that you maynot have come across yet.
We have tried "Resolve Spot Magic Carpet Cleaner" on a carpetin our production area and were amazed when the ink disappearedright before our eyes. It works just like the name...magic!
Lava soap works pretty good to get ink stains off your hands.
Here are some homemade remedies:
You can use rubbing alcohol to dab on stained areas. Use a cottonball, paper towel or Q-tip.
You can remove ink stains on colored fabrics by soaking them in milkover night then washing as usual.
If the stain is on white material use a bit of lemon juice and salt madeinto a paste and then rub it into the stained area. Let the article hangdry in the sun and it should be bright and stain free.
Use hair spray to remove ink from painted walls and some clothing.
Another trick to remove ink stains from walls is to use toothpaste.Apply it to the stain, wait 10 minutes and wipe clean.
The absolute BEST solution, however, is Dye-Gone. This amazing product is the best thing we found to remove ink stains from hands, clothing, rugs or just about anything. Dye-Gone can be ordered from the authors web site.
Having Fun With The Printer Support Techs
Many years ago when I was a copier technician my boss would always tell us to push our companies supplies, paper, toner etc.. Of course they wanted to sell more supplies and make more money but their techniques were very questionable. Just like printers you could go out and purchase generic supplies and some worked better than others naturally. Well the supplies that we sold were also mostly generic, however, they were branded with our companies name and logos. Here's where the sneakiness comes in. When a customer complained about a repair cost estimate we were told to blame it on their inferior generic supplies and to further that the repair would have been much cheaper if they were using our over-priced supplies.My Printer Died - An Epitaph
My printer just died. My Epson C60 that I've had for almost 2 years was my buddy. I loved that printer. It was there for me through thick and thin. Sure it had it's quirks and idiosyncrasies like not printing when my office temperature dropped to 17 degrees because I forgot to turn the thermostat up one bitterly cold morning. I had to open the lid and point a ceramic space heater inside to thaw it out.When Is Black Not Black?
Did you notice how many different black inks there are available? At last count we have forty different black inks listed on our web site. You may be wondering how many shades of black can there be? Well there are actually different shades of black which I will explain in a bit.