This article is about the growing number of holiday homes that have not got proper safety measures in place when you take your family on holiday and offers advice on what you can do to make your holiday family friendly.
This article is about the growing number of holiday homes that have not got proper safety measures in place when you take your family on holiday. This comes on the back of extensive research which concluded 45% of parents feel they need to be more safety conscious on a holiday with young children than they would be at home.
These reports were found in a survey by a mum whose own two year old son fell into an unenclosed swimming pool on holiday.
The survey also revealed that almost a quarter of parents felt they had been on family holidays where no basic safety equipment or features were provided.
The parents polled in this survey were also asked to rank holiday safety features in order of importance. Enclosed swimming pools topped the list, followed by enclosed play spaces, stairgates, lifeguards, electric plug socket covers and baby monitors.
Yet, of the holidays that parents had been on with young children, only 45.7% had enclosed swimming pools, 28.7% had stairgates and only 16.1% had electric plug socket covers.
It's a fact, most holiday properties are not designed with young children in mind. Parents go to great lengths to make their homes child proof but the same precautions aren't usually in place on a holiday.
This makes it incredibly hard for parents who are usually in dire need of a real break to actually relax. So, we researched a top ten list of things to do to child proof your holiday.
1. If the pool is unenclosed, request a room that doesn't open directly onto it.
2. Ask whether you can hire stairgates or a playpen.
3. Take your own baby monitors and be sure to get an international travel adaptor.
4. Take a roll of masking tape to stick over unused electric plug sockets.
5. Ensure your children wear buoyancy aids at all times when in the pool area.
6. Take a travelling first aid kit with you.
7. Opt for babysitting rather than baby listening services.
8. Close curtains or blinds to patio doors to stop children accidently running into them.
9. If you have children under two purchase cupboard ties to stop them opening kitchen doors.
10. Finally, take plenty of sunblock, even in cold weather the sun can burn exposed skin.
To sum up, just make sure you have a check list of things to take run through before you pack your suitcase, alternatively don't hesitate to print off the list above.
Once you've run through your checklist, relax and enjoy your holiday!
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