A child’s focus on an object such as a print blanket often alarms parents. But it may be viewed as a transitional phase of independence. Sometimes the item signifies replacing mom always being around as she was during pregnancy. Familiarity of the item’s presence may give a feeling of security to the tot.
A child’s focus on an object such as a print blanket often alarms parents. But it may be viewed as a transitional phase of independence. Sometimes the item signifies replacing mom always being around as she was during pregnancy. Familiarity of the item’s presence may give a feeling of security to the tot.
To a small child, it may appear that parents, older siblings, friends and relatives are trying to exert control. Hearing the word no or you cannot do this or do not touch that constantly helps create a negative environment for the child. Of course parents are too often surprised to find the toddler abusing his cherished toy or print blanket on a regular basis. The abuse is probably about control. Frustration is all too often the source of crying fits, anger and generally bad behavior for a child who does not possess the ability to reason and work through situations. Short attention span also contributes to the situation.
By stepping on, throwing or hitting the print blanket, the child may simply be mimicking his environment of negativity. Positive reinforcement, as has been preached by many professionals, truly does help this type of situation. Consider praising the tot for exhibiting good behavior rather than focusing on bad behavior and using negative language. Everyone prefers to clap and cheer rather than crying and being sent to time out. Focusing on something so simple as desiring to be a big boy or girl may do wonders for their ego and your demeanor.
By providing the child several print blankets rotated on a regular basis, he will become accustomed to the smell and feel of a freshly laundered item. Additionally, there is no down time without the print blanket due to wash and dry time. And no associated crying fits. Try not to push the youngster to give up the toy or blanket until they are ready. It would be synonymous to attempting to potty train a one year old and probably would entail disastrous results. Consider rewarding the child for voluntarily surrendering the print blanket for short periods of time.
When an older child is struggling with giving up a beloved item, creative parents may find success by inventing a unique way to assist the child. For instance, donating the print blanket to a needy child may give the child resolution. Someone else needs the blankets more than the child does. But reasoning skills are necessary for this type of resolution. Other creative parents assisted their child with making multiple blankets so even more less fortunate children would be able to have the security of an item they would otherwise not be able to afford. The main point is not to become overly upset when the time comes for your small tot to carry their security print blanket. Assisting the tot through the cycle of this transitional time is better met with positive answers to their dilemma. Some adults still sleep with their print blanket or that beloved animal. Security is a wonderful thing to have however it is obtained.
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