Tips to help your family feel safe in their own home when there is a risk of bogus callers.
So we go to the trouble of investing in an excellent burglar alarm , ensure we have night lighting at the front and the back of the house, perhaps even cleverly install CCTV at the end of the drive. Great. Then when the next burglar knocks on the door wanting to have a quick reconnaissance of all your valuables, without a second thought you welcome him in, sit him in the comfiest chair in the house, and maybe even offer him a cup of tea to boot.
Well it’s not all the householders fault. You are dealing here with the bogus caller who wants to worm his way into your home to either rob you there and then, or survey your property for weak access points so he can invade it to steal at a later time. To do this he must gain your confidence and trust so you will either part with confidential information about yourself or let you into your home.
When to be on your guard
Always be on your guard. We all become complacent about the value of our own homes. Think of your front door as a door to your own private safe. If you were opening a safe which contained all your precious valuables you would be doubly security minded - so treat the entry points to your home in the same way. And the front door can help you with dealing with strangers if you prepare it in the right way.
Before you open the front door
Ensure your front door is equipped to allow you to view who is standing on your door step. If your front door does not have a window then having a small spy hole fitted is well worth the money. Above all this will give you time to think and decide whether you wish to open the door or not. If in doubt do not have to open the door at all. Communicate if you have to through the letter-box. Another front door essential is a chain. This allows you to open the door a short way and talk to the person without the fear that he could force his way into the house.
Check for Identification
Always check for identification. We expect visits from gas meter readers, market research; the electricity board and the water board; etc and we all get a little complacent if they appear to be wearing the correct uniform. Any person pertaining to be a representative from a large organization should have some form of identification. No Identification. No entry. Ask them to come back when they have. Even if they show an identity card you can double check by telephoning their head office. Don’t use the number on the card. His colleague may well be waiting at the other end of the telephone. If he says he is from the gas board use a telephone number from a previous gas bill in your home to verify his story.
Well-Known Scams
Thieves do not always pretend to be professionals. At the end of the day their main aim is to gain your trust and a good way of doing that is to either gain your sympathy or play on your conscience. A well-know scam is to say the car has broken down and need to use your telephone. Once inside your house they have the upper hand. A solution to this is to ask for the number yourself and make the telephone call while the person waits outside. Or if the telephone is wireless let the person ring from the front door step. Do not give them your mobile! And above all do not let them into your house! It may also be a good idea to suggest you ring the police so they can offer help and see how they react to this suggestion.
Another scam is called “Distraction burglary”. Here the scammers work in twos. One of the thieves will keep you distracted by talking to you at the front door. His colleague will enter the house through the back door and ransack and thieve what they need. The solution for this is obvious. Keep all entry points to the house locked at all times.
They may pertain to being innocuous charitable organizations whom you would normally trust and who are there too help you – such as Neighbourhood watch or a local charity. In all situations check Identification.
If in doubt, keep them out!
Fire and Security
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