Teenage pregnancy has forever been sky rocketing in the U.S. despite of efforts by the government to stop it. If you are a teenager unwilling to get p...
Teenage pregnancy has forever been sky rocketing in the U.S. despite of efforts by the government to stop it. If you are a teenager unwilling to get pregnant and rear a child, take a look at these precautionary steps to avoid pregnancy.
Do not give in to Peer Pressure
A lot of teenagers may feel as if they have been left behind when their friends start to have boyfriends or sex. There are times when some teenagers may be alienated from a group because of their lack of experience in having sex unlike the rest of the members of the gang. While being part of a social circle may be important for teenagers to keep away from being left out alone, it is important to understand that one's respect for oneself matters more than anything else. It is always right to wait until one finds the right person to be with or have sex with.
While having Sex
Use Contraceptive Devices
It may seem awkward for a teenager to go to a drug store and buy condoms, but that is the best way one can take precautions against teenage pregnancy.
Hold off or withdraw
When having sex with your partner, ask him to hold his penis off your vagina just before ejaculating. This method is not a foolproof solution to avoiding teenage pregnancy. Your partner must know exactly when to hold off or withdraw. There is also a probability that the sperms get released even before ejaculation.
Make sure you are not Ovulating
Women, who have been trying to conceive, are adviced to have sex when they are ovulating to enhance their chances of conception. If you want to avoid pregnancy, do exactly the contrary. Do not have sex without contraception when you are ovulating. To know when you ovulate every month, it is important to track the fertile window. A woman ovulates 14 days after menstruation.
Do not Douche
Douching refers to wiping the sperms off the vagina after sexual intercourse. This method as most people believe, does not work at all. A man ejaculates right at the entrance of the cervix and the sperms can swim deep into the cervix and get to the egg even before you are done cleaning your vagina. Besides, wiping or washing the cervix will involve pushing the skin a little, which can push the sperms in further. Douching can therefore, increase your chances of conception instead of diminishing it.
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