Teenage Pregnancy Tips for Boys
It takes two people to make a woman pregnant. Therefore, without putting a lot of pressure on teenage girls to fight the chances of getting pregnant, ...
It takes two people to make a woman pregnant. Therefore,

without putting a lot of pressure on teenage girls to fight the chances of getting pregnant, one must also train the boys to take control. Take a look at these teenage pregnancy tips for boys.
Take ResponsibilityBoys and men should take responsibility for their sexual behaviour. Just because they cannot get pregnant does not imply that they can raise the spectre of ignorance. If you are a teenage boy, make sure that you responsibility take the initiative of guarding your partner from the dire consequences of unwanted teenage pregnancy. To be a responsible and mature partner of the two, make sure that you talk about the use of contraception before indulging in sex. If you end up making your partner pregnant, take the responsibility of being a father to the child.
Make an Informed DecisionConsidering that boys influence what decision a teenage girl makes in terms of contraception and sex, they should take the responsibility of deciding to use contraception before having sex.
Educate oneself on SexOne of the best ways to prevent the likelihood of teenage pregnancy is by educating oneself on sex not through internet or books, but by talking to someone elder, such as parents. One should tell himself to not rush into having sex without thinking about the consequences of unprotected sex.
Resist Peer PressureYoung men should emphasise on resisting peer pressure to start having sex way too young. Know what is right by talking to an elderly and resist pressure to indulge in sex. The best way you can stand peer pressure is by knowing what your feelings and values are and sticking to them.
Are you Way Older?Are you the same age as your partner is or a few months older? If you are way older than what your partner is, you must keep away from having sex with her. As per the law, older men, who get sexually involved with younger minor girls are held criminally accountable via statutory rape laws.
Enrol in Teenage Pregnancy Prevention ProgramsTeenage pregnancy prevention programs help young men by offering them education, employment opportunities, skills, etc to help build self-respect and grow into responsible and informed men. The programs place credence in the fact that building self-respect helps make people respects their partners and the latter’s decisions.