The Buster Brown Shoes
Buster shoes maintain a fine balance between quality, style and comfort that allure both the kids and their parents. The target audience of the brand still remains the kids however it now manufactures shoes and sandals for infants too.
Buster Brown was the famous comic strip character that was the brain child of Richard Felton Outcault and was presented to the world in the year 1902. The strip was a follow-up to his strip the Hogan’s Alley that portrayed the yellow kid. The character Buster Brown was a young American boy with wealthy parents. The character had sister called Mary Jane and dog called Tige. The strip became instantly popular and started associating with a number of brands. Outcault visited the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair to promote and market his strip. On the other hand,

John Bush who was a sales executive with the Brown Shoe Co. was keen to associate with the strip. He convinced his company to purchase the rights. The deal was truck and the Buster Brown shoes were introduced to the world. The shoes had the logo that contained the main character Buster Brown and his dog Tige. The Brown shoes company still uses the same logo.The Brown Shoe Co. then hired midgets to popularize their brand. These midgets played the role of Buster in tours around the country. The characters were also accompanied by a dog and use to perform in shoe stores, departmental stores and theaters from 1904 until 1930.The buster shoes became an instant hit. The shoes were known for their style and durability. Every kid was then carrying the same logo shoes in their fit. Parents generally picked up the most durable and affordable of the lot. Style generally didn’t matter much because everybody was wearing the same kind of shoes. To leave no stone unturned and to capture the market for girls as well the company got Buster sister’s name, Mary Jane registered too. The company didn’t continue it for long but Mary Jane shoes are still available in the market.The Brown shoe company now owns a number of different footwear brands in United States and America. However, Buster Brown still remains a major brand. Today, the shoes maintain a fine balance between quality, style and comfort that allure both the kids and their parents. The target audience of the brand still remains the kids however it now manufactures shoes and sandals for infants too.Gone are the days when there were the same non-descript shoes on every kids feet. Today the company has a lot more to offer. The company now manufactures footwear for both boys and girls under the same brand name. One can now find a plethora of options to pick from. The company now offers the footwear that may suit every season and occasion. Then, may it be athletic shoes for a more rough and tough use or the casual and dress shoes. Boots are the perfect choice for cold weathers while sandals for hot weather.The company still produces shoes on the same lines i.e. the boys shoes are manufactured with laces while the girl’s shoes have straps. The shoes are now manufactured using the toe zone technology that helps the parents to make the perfect choice for their kids. One can now buy the shoes online as well.