1. Who is going to bring what things to the room? Who is going to bring the ... VCR, ... etc.? How many of each of these do we need?2. When will you be moving in? Will these be diffe
1. Who is going to bring what things to the room? Who is going to bring the television, VCR, refrigerator, etc.? How many of each of these do we need?
2. When will you be moving in? Will these be different times? Who is going to help you move in? Do we need to alternate times?
3. How will the room be decorated? How many things do we need to have to have our room be 'home like?' Will this only be one person's decorations?
When you move in, take time to talk to your roommate about:
1. Your sleep habits. Are you a heavy or light sleeper? Do you enjoy early or late nights? How about naps?
2. Your study habits. When do you study? What kind of noise can be in the room while you study? Do you need advance warning?
3. How clean are we going to keep our room? When will we clean? Which areas can one another clean?
4. Use of possessions. Can everything be shared? Which items can guests use?
5. What about friends coming over? How often can people spend the night? How many friends can be over at once? Do you need advance warning?
6. Security. When will the room be locked? Who will take responsibility for these times?
7. Communication. How will we communicate to each other when there is a problem? What about phone messages? Who can use the phone, computer,etc?
8. How quiet and respectful of each other are we going to be when one of us is sleeping or studying?
Talk to one another about:
What do you do for fun.
Where you are from.
How you grew up.
What your favorite things are.
What your major is.
What your career goals are.
What some of your likes and dislikes are.
What things you each can do to make the living environment great for both of you.
Rules for good discussion:
Focus on the behavior- not your roommate.
"Own" your feelings. No one can make you feel something- you choose to feel that way.
Try and listen to your roommate's perspective. Let him/her speak without interruption.
Make sure you understand what is being said. Never assume anything.
Remember that this is not a win lose situation. The goal is to find some kind of compromise with which you can all live. Try to be as objective and rational as possible.
If emotions are running too high, take a break and talk again later.
Try to get to the heart of the problem right away. Don't waste time on the little details of the concern.
Try to remain calm.
Moving Your Pet
Getting through the emotional stress of moving is difficult enough for adults and children. But what about pets, a species with whom we can't even level? Pet owners are often baffled by their pets' behavior during and after a move. Sometimes it's a personality change, a regression in housebreaking habits or a sudden unexplained illness. Even if you don't notice something that dramatic, there's no question that your faithful companion is feeling stress. How do you move your pet and keep the strain to an absolute minimum -- both to yourself and your beloved pet?Is That Apartment Hazardous to Your Health?
When you sign a lease committing yourself to a unit in an apartment complex or building, you're agreeing to live in close quarters with strangers. You're also making the assumption that your building will be properly managed and maintained. That includes such factors as air quality and adequate pest control. As a tenant, you have rights, of course, but some of the most serious threats to your health -- such as carbon monoxide -- are ones you can't even see or smell.Does The Landlord Have To Clean The Apartment Before I Move In?
QUESTION:What can I do about a landlord who promised a clean and newly painted apartment before we moved in, but didn't deliver? We have moved in because we had nowhere else to go, but I am concerned about our children's health and the total well-being of our family. Can I report the unhealthy living conditions to the health department? Please let me know of my legal rights or how to go about this problem in a dignified manner.