Can you figure out which stage you might be in for your divorce? Divorced Dad, Len Stauffenger spells it out for you and it's very similar to the stages one goes through upon the death of a loved one. Hang in there. Eventually you will complete all the stages. Happiness is on the other side.
Divorce is literally Death. It is. It is the death of a marriage. It may sound harsh, but it's true. When you are served with divorce papers, when you find out he cheated, when he says he doesn't love you anymore, it all starts here. The dying begins. But it's okay, because on the other side of pain is joy, but to get to the joy you must go through a little pain. Well, okay, a lot. To really cleanse yourself of the pain you have to go through the grief, just like when a loved one dies, and there are stages of grief. The good news is that everyone goes through these stages at a different rate. You could skip right along through one stage and then linger in the next. So here they are.
STAGE 1: DENIAL This is where you start. "This can't be happening to me." "I thought I did everything right. Sure things weren't perfect, but what marriage is?" Sound familiar. Everyone goes through this stage. You may even have had an inkling that your partner wasn't happy, but none the less, it still hits you like a freight train! They want out, and there is nothing you can do about it! So you deny the truth. You deny that it's real.
STAGE 2: ANGER There might not be any acceptance yet. This might be happening to me, but I still don't think it's fair! I don't deserve this! You are furious! How could he? How could she? He promised that he would love you always! But she doesn't love you any more! How could God let this happen? You want to get even. You want to hurt him back.
STAGE 3: BARGAINING You are willing to settle for something that you would never settle for before. The anger fades and the bargaining begins. "Please just stay another night." "Let's try one more time." "We can get through this." But there isn't any getting through it this time.
STAGE 4: DEPRESSION The bargaining didn't work. She might not be staying and you really don't even want her to at this point, but you still don't really know what it is you do want. It's over and so is the life I thought I had. Why even get up in the morning? The sadness feels overwhelming, but be strong. There is always hope.
STAGE 5: ACCEPTANCE Yes! You are here! The sun is still rising every morning! Your kids are okay. You are okay. Take a good look at you and say: "He left. He doesn't want me, and I AM OKAY!" It still hurts. It still makes you mad, but you will make it. We're coming to the end of the pain. Here comes the joy!
These stages are briefly exemplified, but they give you a good overall glimpse at what you may be going through. Your divorce, the death of your marriage, isn't pretty but you will survive. Getting to acceptance is the goal and you will make it! Your marriage is done. You were mighty tempted to believe that you would not survive it. You are surviving. You are thriving. The marriage between you might be dead, but you are not. You are living.
Affordable Support for Divorcees: Virtual Recovery Communities
The aftermath of a divorce can be a tumultuous time, filled with self-doubt and fear. However, many individuals who have gone through this process have found it to be a catalyst for positive change, leading them to discover their true selves and even find their soul mates. Virtual recovery communities can provide invaluable support during this challenging period.Can Mediation Work For You In Lieu Of Divorce
If you are about to get a divorce, I want you let you know that mediation might be a great alternative to that divorce for you. You won't have to hire an attorney and the outcome can be just as effective.Understanding Your Divorce ' Use a Journal
Divorce emotions are hard enough one time, so you want to do everything you can not to repeat the same mistakes. Even if it looks like your ex is the one who made mistakes, it did take two to tango. If you journal about the divorce, you will discover your role and not make the same mistake twice.