Tips for Normal Delivery

Jun 29




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During the pregnancy term, an expectant mother is exposed to diverse experiences in terms of bodily changes. The most trying part of it, however, is w...


During the pregnancy term,Tips for Normal Delivery Articles an expectant mother is exposed to diverse experiences in terms of bodily changes. The most trying part of it, however, is when the mother has to give birth. At the time of childbirth, an expectant mother must avoid surgery, though in some cases, a c-section may become necessary. Here are a few tips to have a normal delivery.

  • When you are in the advanced stages of your pregnancy, avoid standing for long durations. Standing will make the baby to come further down the pelvis due to the gravitational pull. Standing for longer durations, therefore, may pose problems.
  • Natural or normal childbirth can be facilitated with the help of spicy foods or foods that heat the body temperature. If, however, you are experiencing heartburn or nausea, avoid spicy food.
  • You should indulge in labour stimulating foods, such as papaya, pineapple and mangoes. These are rich in bromelain, an enzyme that has a softening impact on the cervix upon consumption.  When consuming these fruits, make sure that they are fresh. Fruits that are canned tend to lose the bromelain content when put through processing.
  • If the contractions have already started, you must walk for at least 30 minutes every day as walking facilitates the movement of hips form side to side. This helps the baby to position itself correctly for a normal delivery. Going for brisk walks regularly during the pregnancy term ensures that your muscles remain toned.
  • Going through labour is physically demanding. You will need to have immense strength. The right thing, at such a juncture, would be to indulge in cardiovascular exercises. Practice the exercises regularly to build stamina. You must, however, make sure that you consult a doctor before indulging in any type of exercise.
  • Yoga sessions may prove to keep surgical childbirth away. Considering that yoga exercises are more or less breathing exercises, practising them regularly will help in regulation respiration and heart beat. This will also help relax the system. You may also choose to practise yogic postures that resemble squats and pelvic tilts as these may prove fruitful in expanding the pelvic regions and facilitating a smooth and natural childbirth.

Although, these tips assure you have a normal delivery, they must not be practised until a doctor check against them in the list of things you can do to have a safe delivery. The doctor's agreement to any of these tips is important because every woman is different.

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