With so much information to be found online these days, I find it is still fun to be together with other knitters for ideas and inspiration. Nothing satisfies like getting together with those who share the same passion you do! So, right where you are, you can motivate your little knitting circle on to bigger knitting visions. But, just how to begin?
With so much information to be found online these days, I find it is still fun to be together with other knitters for ideas and inspiration. Nothing satisfies like getting together with those who share the same passion you do!
So, right where you are, you can motivate your little knitting circle on to bigger knitting visions. But, just how to begin?
If you do knit regularly with a group, whether that be in your home, library, church or yarn shop, the next time you meet, decide as a group, if organizing further to gain new insights for what knitting can do for your group, is something to consider.
Occasionly, becoming more structured, or venturing into specific areas of expertise, can take your knitting group to new and more exciting levels.
By formally structuring your knitting group, different options come to mind as to what functions can be utilized. Some examples are as follows:
Knitting for charities. This is a biggie, and if you think the world is full enough of charitable endeavors, you couldn't be more wrong. Every day another need pops up somewhere in the world, and due to the fact that we are so digitally connected to all other regions, it is relatively easy to find a facility or social service organization that would benefit from your help.
Another option is to bond with a knitting group exclusively from another country, one which shares similar interests. Many can be found on group lists listed on Goggle or Yahoo.
Or, if someone in your group is particularly web-savvy, they could initiate a forum; not only for members, but also for prospective members or online guests.
You may want to open your group up to free classes once-a-week, or a Sunday afternoon "learn to knit" seminar, held once a month. If someone has a particular specialty, use that to bring new members in, or advertise what makes your area's group especially unique.
Let's not forget all those who serve our country in the military. Their needs are many and never-ending. Included in the care packages sent to these brave men and women could be items such as socks, or hand-knit washcloths. It really is up to you to decide what will do best.
Knitting guilds were a very big deal in the Middle Ages, as every type of work was regulated by the guild which oversaw it. Nowadays, guilds are much more informal, but, still serve a purpose and can provide additional information exclusively for your area of interest.
Always believe you can take your knitting to new heights! There are many ways to do that, and hopefully, some of these ideas will inspire you on down new knitted roads. After all, if they are knitted by you, they have to be good!
OddBalls. . . 5 Best Tips for Using Up Leftover Yarn!
Well, isn't it always the way. Buy the required amount of yarn for a favorite project, then end up with at least an entire skein that has not been used. Which means, after a year or two, there is a lot of leftover yarn hanging around!3 Best Tips for Creating A Knitter's Workspace
Knitting is the best of hobbies. Just think of all the parts that make up the knitting "whole." We have knitting needles, beautiful, colorful yarns, accessories galore, and too many patterns and books to name! . . before you know it, you can have quite the knitting mess on your hands. So, what to do?The Tao Of Knitting
I think anyone who knits and loves to knit, will tell you they love to knit for a variety of reasons. At their core, those reasons all hold the same essence. Passion. Another word for it would be fulfillment. There is something beyond money, beyond fame, beyond ego, that has us knitting. That something I like to call "the tao of knitting."