This article is designed to teach parents, caregivers and others how to avoid being bitten by dog. The information in the article helps readers spot potentially dangerous dogs and gives important and practical behaviors, which can be used to prevent serious injuries and violent encounters with canines.
There are many factors which can increase the chance of your or your child being a victim of a dog bite or dog attack.
Owners of dogs, teenagers, grandparents, babysitters, caregivers of all types and especially parents of young children, must keep in mind all of the factors that can result in or lead to aggressive and harmful behavior in dogs.
Of course, the greater the number of these factors which are present will increase the likelihood that a damaging or injurious bite or attack can occur.
For example: If a canine is continuously kept on a leash or chain, then there is a much increased chance that such a dog will be aggressive and/or lack proper "people skills."
Not surprisingly, male dogs are more likely to exhibit aggressive tendencies and account for a higher percentage of bites and attacks on children and adults.
Notwithstanding the previous fact, dominant, poorly trained and socialized or fearful female dogs will, and often do, bite children and their caregivers.
If there are two or more dogs in a yard without the dog owner present, then there is a significantly higher chance of encountering or experiencing dog bites or dangerous do behavior.
The greater number of dogs that are present equals a much higher risk for attacks, bites, or maulings , which are associated with pack behavior.
Non-neutered or un-spayed dogs typically demonstrate higher levels of aggressive behavior.
Some additional evidence shows that the number of dog attacks and bites goes up during the warmer months of the Summer due the higher volume of people outside and in the presence of a greater number of dogs.
Disturbingly, the single, most common cause of deadly dog bites and seriously harmful canine attacks is the owner of the dog, who does not properly train, supervise or care for their animal.
As a father of two young children and a lawyer who handles injury claims associated with dog bites/attacks, I want to do everything I can to keep my kids safe and avoid them being hurt by a dog.
As a fellow parent, sibling, aunt/uncle, or friend, I know that you also want to keep all the children in your lives safe from dangerous dog behavior.
To help us all achieve this very important goal, I have compiled the following list of things that all children should be taught about dogs:
-Don't chase or tease dogs.
-Wait to be introduced to the dog by the dog's adult owner.
-Ask the dog owner's permission to pet their dog first, before trying to pet the dog.
-Wait for a dog owner's permission to pet the dog and then teach your child to let the dog sniff the child's hand first, before petting the dog.
-Pet the animal gently after the dog sniffs his/her hand.
-Never pet a dog while it is eating or sleeping.
-Never approach a dog that has puppies or is nursing puppies.
Learn the items on this list and then teach the children in your life these valuable tips and hopefully you and your children will avoid be another victim.
-Never pet a dog while it is playing with a toy.
-Never try to take a dog's toy away from the dog.
-Don't play rough with dogs.
-If your child is outside and a stray dog approaches, then teach your child to not run away, but to try backing away slowly. The dog will always be able to run faster than the child and could chase your child and attack.
Put these tips into action and keep yourself and your children safe around dogs. Don't wait. You never know when a dangerous situation will present itself.
Do You Have to Get Out of the Car if Stopped by the Police? Plus 4 Things the Prosecutor Must Prove
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This article outlines the very harsh and costly effects of a first time Virginia DWI/DUI conviction. The Virginia penalties for people charged with multiple DWI/DUI offenses are also described. Finally, some tips to avoid a DWI charge in Virginia are found within the article.