Ways to avoid unwanted pregnancy
In the modern times with the lifting of taboo on all things sexual and an increase in permissiveness in the society sex before and outside of the marr...
In the modern times with the lifting of taboo on all things sexual and an increase in permissiveness in the society sex before and outside of the marriage are constantly on the rise. Accidents occur more oftentimes than not and the result is quite predictably unwanted pregnancy. While with the level of independent thinking prevalent in the society these days it is impossible to put a stop to the mindless sexual activities and avoid the temptation of sex completely but it is quite within our hands to try and avoid a pregnancy which will bring us more heartache and complications rather than joy of any kind. This kind of pregnancy does not bode well for the mother to be and nor for the baby waiting to be born. Thankfully with the advancement in the modern medicine it is quite possible to avoid unwanted pregnancy nowadays quite easily enough.* Contraceptive pills - While the onus mostly lied on the male partner to take care of the contraceptive need,

condoms were the only kind of contraception which was traditionally used. Although it is still most popularly used, accidents such as the rupture of the condom and leakages does not make it completely full proof. In such a scenario contraceptive pills have emerged as quite a popular option among women and girls. The only hitch regarding the use of these pills is that they need to be taken at a fixed time on a daily basis. Any miss therein necessitates the management of the missed pill in order to get the full benefits. Other than that contraceptive pills are really effective in preventing pregnancy. Another pill which is becoming popular with the passage of time is the emergency contraceptive pill which takes care of the pregnancy problems after unplanned or accidental sexual bouts.* Contraceptive patch - Contraceptive patches are another method to avoid unwanted pregnancy. It is like a skin cover which provides thorough protection from pregnancy. This patch is becoming very popular nowadays since one needs to apply it only once in a week.* Contraceptive ring - This is the most method for avoiding pregnancy and it is also about the complete ease and the convenience of use. This consists of a hormonal ring which is placed inside the vagina.There are many ways to avoid unwanted pregnancy for the initiated and these methods should be resorted to when abstinence is not a viable option.