Website promoting long-term relationships
On the website there are a lot of great articles, facts, blogs and help topics to guide daters. For about $20 a month is great way to meet someone meaningful.
Dating is one of the most wonderful experiences in life. Many long lasting memories are from the first moments spent together with the love of your life. Great memories include summer walks in the park,

a day at carnival or a Fourth of July picnic under the stars. Everyone should experience love. A world without love is an empty place. However, finding love can be an arduous task. Online dating is the new and fun way of finding a mate. is one the leaders in the online dating industry and can help even the most helpless daters find a mate. is the sister site of the popular was actually founded by employees who work for as a long-term relationship oriented company. is different than traditional dating sites in that its sole focus is to pair individuals looking for serious long-term relationships. The site does not discourage individuals looking for casual dating but those looking for that type of relationship will be disappointed by the number of people only interested in serious relationships. The company’s matching system was founded by Dr. Helen Fisher who is a world renowned Anthropologist from Rutgers University who specializes in interpersonal attraction. Dr. Fisher’s matching system combines both hormonal- and personality-based matching techniques. Most other dating sites use only basic personality matching techniques such as an adventurous person matched with another adventurous person. Dr. Fisher also developed 4 individual personality types and the neurotransmitter that is dominate in their brains. She speculates that these chemicals can better predict how well we respond to others in relationships. The 4 personality types are Explorer- dopamine, Negotiator- estrogen, Director- testosterone and Builder- serotonin. At, the matching process follows the scientific principals outlined by Dr. Fisher. Individuals first must fill out the personality profile which encompasses both personality type and hormonal type. Predictions and goals are then refined and tested until a complete profile of the individual can be ready for the matching stage. At the matching stage the company will send 5 free matches based upon the results of the profile. The goal of the company is to aid in the process of in-person dates. Once you send or receive an email from an interested party, the company makes the daters follow a step-by-step communication process to see if there is a match. bypasses the awkward introduction phase and breaks the ice for you. If there isn't a match, the company will find why and give the individual feedback as to things they could change. If both parties agree that there is chemistry then the system will facilitate a date. If the date doesn't go well the matching system will update what went wrong to better make changes in the future. The matching system will change according to the dater’s feedback and personal preferences. is open to all sexual orientations unlike They will match up anyone of any age as well.