What Kind Of Gift To Give At Valentine's Day?
Valentine's Day is approaching and by the way, the time for gift giving.Last month was Christmas time and we were brainstorming about what to kind of ...
Valentine's Day is approaching and by the way,

the time for gift giving.Last month was Christmas time and we were brainstorming about what to kind of present to give to our beloved ones.It is easier to buy gifts for children: they have so many desires that we seldom have problems to choose something that will please to them.But it is harder to select a present dedicated to an adult.As adults, we often have so many items in our homes that we do not know what to do with.Which household does not have a blender manufactured by the famous "noisy mixer" company, a dryer made by "washes, dries and irons at your place", or the drilling machine "drill through your neighbour's wall"?You maybe plan to give a rose bouquet to your wife but since you give her a flower bouquet on every Friday of the year, you think that she will not appreciate the gesture as much as it deserves.Here are some Valentine's Gift ideas:Baccarat Gift:Give a bunch of Baccarat roses made up with as many flowers as you cherish you beloved one. If your financial budget is large, give her the crystal Baccarat vase that she will use to put your bouquet in.Beer Gift:Does your husband or companion appreciate beer? Give him as many different sort of beers - there are more than 680 different sorts of Belgian beers that are particularly famous for their diversity and you will only be embarrassed of knowing which one to choose.Be delicate: do not offer her/his age in a number of flowers or beers; it is Valentine's Day, not her birthday.Perfumed Gift:A great classic gift is to give a Haute Couture perfume such as Cacharel that has just created a new perfume, Chanel, Rochas... But everybody does not have the same type of skin nor the same pigmentation; which can cause a degradation of perfume fragrances and the result is that the perfumes do not have the same odor on each one of us.Advice: if you plan to offer a perfume to your wife, choose the one she uses every day.While I am an European citizen and I love European and French perfumes, my favorite perfumes are American (Giorgio Beverly Hills and Vanderbilt) so, there is no need to travel to the old continent to find the perfect Valentine's Day gift.Gourmet Gift:Another kind of original gift is a gourmet weekend: two days and one night in "Charm Inn", located on a particular region.Gourmet Inns generally provide menus with 5 up to 7 dishes, fine food, fine and sought wines and particularly cosy atmosphere. Making your escapade the perfect Valentine's weekend.Beauty Gift:If you focus on health and beauty care and want to preserve your body appearence, a thermal weekend is the perfect gift.Thermal centers generally offer 48 hours all-inclusive menus for an affordable price: access to the material, massages, jet cabins, alga or mud baths... as well as food especially made for losing some pounds while remaining tasty.Family Gifts:Valentine's Day is not only a holiday dedicated to lovers and couples. It is also a holiday that celebrates the love you share with your children and your family.If you are on a tight budget, give a homemade Valentines card. If you are on a large budget, give a sweet gift to your beloved ones, such as a Teddy bear, a pajama, sleepers, skin care basket, etc.Gift For Single:There is no need to deprive yourself of gift giving and receiving.Give yourself the gift that pleases you. As we say in French: "On n'est jamais si bien servi que par soi-meme" (we never be served so fine than being served by ourself), so, do not hesitate and celebrate the love you have for yourself by giving you the most beautiful and expensive gift that you want!What NOT To Give:For Madam:A vacuum cleaner, a blender, a microwave oven, a washing machine, a dishwasher, clothes dryer, a broom...For Mister:An electric drill, a lawn mower, an axe, a metal saw... especially if you are currently remodeling your home:)Happy Valentine's Day!