You have a garden that delivers you a lot of fresh goodies and as a result you are now considering food preservation. Is that means you need to purchase a pressure canner to preserve all that food?
It is quite possible, if you are willing to spend some money on supplies and equipment and also to do work taking all required precautions.
Not all food preservation requires a pressure canner. A water bath canner is more adequate for high acid foods. However, a pressure canner is necessary if you want to preserve low acid foods with regard to your safety and health. If the food is not properly preserved, you are facing numerous risks, such as botulism and various different poisons.
Also, take in consideration that along with the cost of the pressure canner, home canning involves other costs as well, including the costs of the needed jars. It might not seem much, but if you have a reach harvest, it can add up.
The best part about going with an adequately sized pressure canner is the fact that you can also use it as a water bath canner. However, the use of a rack is necessary to be used between the bottom of the canner and the bottom of the jars to allow water to freely flow around it.
For preserving low acid food (for instance vegetables), you need to use the pressure canner because deadly bacteria is not killed through water bath canning. The heat generated by the pressure is able to destroy all the bacteria and thus your food is perfectly safe for consumption.
Prior of getting started with any canning, make sure you know how to do it safely. Read up or talk with some of your friends about canning as you need to do it right. If you find a recipe you should not make changes to it, as there are good reasons why things are done in certain ways.
Finally, keep in mind why do you want to can all the produce of your garden. Well, it is one of the best things you can do. Thus, you are able to offer your family healthy foods even when you can’t harvest them fresh from the garden. Furthermore, the served food is free from various additives, such as high fructose corn syrup. The home preserved food contains also the things you have personally put into.
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