8 Tips for keeping more cash each month
Most people find it almost impossible to keep cash in their pocket after paying all the bills. This article provides 8 proven tips for keeping more cash in your pocket at the end of the month by adopting practical tips to help you budget and save.
There are plenty of ways that you can keep more cash in your pocket every month. Use any of these tips so that you can start keeping more green in your pocket!
Pay for everything in cash. It is a proven fact that you when you pay for products and use your credit card,

you spend more money. Another common response is: “I will just put this on my credit card. I can pay it off later.” If you do this a couple of times a month, most likely you will hit a spot in which you cannot pay off your balance successfully month after month. This can start you to building a credit card balance. Cash makes you think more about what you want to buy and not buy. You are much more frugal when paying in cash. This will help you save more.
Use coupons. The average family can often find ways to save 20-30% off their grocery bill by cutting coupons from the Sunday newspaper, printing coupons from online websites, and buying store brands instead of national brands.
Go out to eat less. An average person normally goes out to eat at least twice a week. If this were cut to once a week, the average person could save at least ten dollars a week or forty dollars over an entire month.
If you have a house and are single, you could think about taking in a roommate by renting out a bedroom. If you are able to rent the room for $400 a month, this will keep $4800 in your pocket annually. This is a great way to save more very easily.
Turn off the lights. This is a simple way that you can cut down your electric bill every month and keep more cash in your pocket. Many people have found it useful to unplug their TV as well and have seen a dramatic decline in the monthly bill.
Carpool with others. This can cut your transportation costs to and from work in half if you only drive half of the days. The average person drives about 41 miles a day according to one major dealership group. Think of how much gas you can save by only driving your car every other day. This can allow you to save money on oil changes and car maintenance as well.
Look at buying used clothing. If this does not appeal to you, buy your clothes at the end of the season. Most people spend almost two thousand dollars a year on clothing. If you bought clothing at the end of the season and saved an average of 20%, this would help you save money to the tune of $400 a year.
Use your credit cards less. Only pay for those things in which you have cash in hand. This will cut out unnecessary expenses that you cannot afford. Keep the credit cards only for an emergency purpose such as a car repair when your car is broken down.
These are eight simple steps that you can incorporate starting today. It requires that you change your habits but it does keep more cash in your pocket.