An Introduction to Credit Bureau Basics

Jun 12


Wendy Polisi

Wendy Polisi

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It is more difficult than ever before to qualify for a mortgage. Despite this, most people are confused about Credit Bureaus. This article offers a brief introduction to credit bureau basics.


In today’s economy,An Introduction to Credit Bureau Basics Articles it is more difficult than ever to qualify for a mortgage.  With delinquencies rising, your credit score needs to be good, if not stellar, for lenders to say “yes”. 

Still, most people are confused when it comes to understanding credit basics.  Even seasoned investors find themselves overwhelmed in today’s changing market

This brings us to the most basic credit question of all.  What exactly is a credit bureau?

Quite simply, a credit bureau is a giant record keeper that stores information on almost every adult in the United States.  Information includes addresses, employment and most importantly, payment history.

Some people think that when something on their credit report is inaccurate, the credit bureau is to blame. Many times, a lender will hear the statement “Equifax isn’t reporting my car correctly”.

This isn’t true!  Your lender is the one reporting incorrectly.

The credit bureaus collect information, but they do not confirm anything.  What they report is simply the data that creditors supply them with.  This means that a creditor can report anything to the credit bureau and it will appear on your report, regardless of whether it is accurate.

It is estimated that between 40 and 70% of credit reports contain errors.  These errors can lead to increased interest rates, credit refusal and even job rejection.

Since without your involvement, your credit report is simply a large collection of unverified information, the federal government has numerous consumer protection laws in place.

The most important of these to understand is that the only time the information in your credit bureau is confirmed is if you file a dispute with each of the three credit bureaus.

When this happens, the creditor has 30 days to prove to the credit bureau that the item is accurate.  If they fail to verify the item as correct within this time frame, the item is required by law to be deleted from your credit report.

One of the most important keys to keeping your credit score up is consistent monitoring of your report.  There are many great services to help make this easy, but the most important key is consumer knowledge and involvement.

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