Buying hassle free Health Insurance policy in Florida
Having a health insurance plan in Florida has become a basic necessity these days since it means having access to quality health care.
If you do not have adequate health insurance coverage or if you have insufficient funds,

you will not have a say over the type of treatment that you will receive in case of unforeseen health issues. These days, the cost of health care has raised sky high. Therefore, those uninsured will find themselves under ruinous debt if they have to undergo a surgery, spend a day-or two as in-patient, get treatment for a chronic health condition, buy the prescription for a given drug therapy, or stay in an Hospital emergency room for several hours. Recent researches have revealed that the mortality rates in case of cancer and other chronic diseases are higher among the uninsured.
The rights of health insurance subscribers in Florida vary depending on the source from which they purchase the health insurance policy. There are individual as well as group health insurance plans available in the Florida state. Those individual subscribers of health insurance plans in Florida directly purchasing health insurance policies are not guaranteed the right to health insurance in the Florida State. Private insurers can deny health insurance coverage on the health status of the buyers in addition to pre-existing health conditions.
On the other hand, they can also exclude the pre-existing health conditions from the coverage or charge a significantly higher premium. Contrary to this, those covered under group health insurance plans in Florida offered by employers cannot be charged high or denied of health insurance coverage on pre-existing health conditions. Federal laws in Florida protect the citizens from being denied of treatment in a hospital emergency care unit irrespective of their insurance status and the ability to pay.
The three basic options available for subscribers in Florida with respect to buying health insurance policies include the following. Employment or organization-related coverage, private-direct purchase health insurance plans and government subsidized health insurance plans. Most people under 65 in the Florida state are covered by employment-related health insurance coverage. Under this system, the employee pays a part of the premium cost, while the employer union pays the remaining. This is also known as group health insurance. Coverage of pre-existing conditions can be excluded for a given period of time. The employer or the insurance company can also impose a waiting period before the coverage begins.
Subsidized health insurance policies are made available to students in Florida in most colleges and universities. Students seeking to enter into some collegiate courses can benefit out of this option. Small employers in Florida are guaranteed the right to buy group health insurance coverage for their employees. In addition to being cost effective, the one great advantage of group health insurance policies in Florida is the fact that the policy cannot be cancelled if someone in the group gets sick. However, there is a significant variation in the premiums depending on the age of the employees or the location of the business.
COBRA law enables the employees to retain the benefits of the group insurance policy they had from their employer even after they leave their jobs for a period of eighteen months. At a point when the employee becomes ineligible for benefits after leaving the job, he or she is given the option to continue to enjoy the coverage by paying the full premium amount pertaining to the health insurance policy in Florida. In this case, the health insurance policy in Florida will be cheaper as against the other kind of independently purchased health insurance policies in Florida.