If you have a debt problem you might think that its best to find free help (and sometime it is). There are some reasons why you might want to use a charge debt solution, as this article explains.
When you have a serious debt problem you have a choice in how you resolve it. You can either try and tackle the problem completely on your own (not recommended) or get free help from a charity or sign up for a charge debt solution with a reputable debt management company.
Charge Debt Solutions - Why Use Them?
If you can get your debt advice free then why would you want to use the services of a company that are going to charge you money? The answer is in the type of debt management solution that the company can offer and their expertise/reputation with the creditors. In the UK there are two good sources of free advice if you have debt problems: The Citizens Advice Bureau and the Consumer Credit Counseling Service. These can both offer good general advice on debt and can help negotiate with your creditors to reduce payments/freeze penalties and interest etc. The CAB can also help you if you are considering bankruptcy.
However neither can offer an Individual Voluntary Arrangements since these require the provider to be a Licenced Insolvency Practioner. A reputable debt management company like The Payplan Partnership (in the UK) can provide a "one-stop shop" for your debt problems and are able to help you with whatever solution you decide on.
If you can find a free debt advice/counseling source for the debt solution that you prefer then you are probably better of using it. Do also consider the range of charge debt solutions on offer.
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