College Loan Consolidation: How Best to Prepare for the Process
For millions of Americans, a college loan consolidation program was the move that saved them from financial ruin before their careers ever got started. But properly preparing for such deals is essential.
Students no longer have to wait until graduation to take control of their college debt. Getting everything in order while still studying is also possible. The magic move is to turn to a college loan consolidation program.There are several advantages to making such a move. A consolidation agreement or loan effectively means clearing student debt in one go,

leaving a far more manageable loan to cope with.But there are some factors that need to be considered first, not least properly preparing before applying for one. Since college loans typically climb to significant debts in their own right, the consequences of any new deal also need to be examined, as well as the terms of the deal itself.Personal Factors to CheckBefore getting starting on a college loan consolidation program, it is a good idea to make sure that some personal finance issues are in order. The most important are the issues relating to eligibility, and the total existing debt and monthly repayments due. This information will make clear what is needed to secure a good deal.In terms of eligibility, there are some simple factors to look at. Things like age and citizenship are basic, but there are also particular conditions set by lenders themselves. When clearing student debt through consolidation, some lenders will only entertain students with debts of more than $10,000, and with some form of reliable income.Taking control of debt from college loans also means knowing the extent of the debt and the combined repayments dues. It is worth checking with your lenders to confirm their best deals, after which the ideal repayment sum can be calculated. This fact can then be used as a guide when seeking a consolidation deal.Lender Factors to CheckOnce your own position is known, it is easier to negotiate the best terms for the college loan consolidation deal. But there are specific aspects that need to be looked at, such as interest rates and monthly repayment sums.For example, some lenders who deal with consolidation agreements offer loans that only come with variable interest rates. This is a bit of a gamble for both sides, with a falling rate best for the borrower clearing student debt, and a rising rate best for the lender. A fixed-rate loan is much more manageable, but may be hard to find.Also, there can be hidden fees charged by the initial lenders, so clearing the college loan earlier than agreed by the schedule can be a little more expensive than seeing the debt through. This factor will mean the consolidation sum will higher than expected, so how does this affect the monthly repayments.Check the Smaller DetailsWhen it comes to agreeing any kind of financial arrangement, it is essential that the lender is someone that can be trusted. This is especially true when they are operating over the Internet. So, when looking at college loan consolidation options, be sure to check their reputation on the Better Business Bureau website.Check their own website too, paying particular attention to the testimonials so as to get an overall feel for them. After all, clearing student debt with a dubious lender can lead to disaster. And remember, a poorly presented website is a poor sign for a finance firm, so do not hesitate to look elsewhere if not impressed.The final issue is to check thoroughly the benefits there may be in agreeing a deal with this lender. What fees are there? What is the best interest rate they can offer? What kind of reduction on existing monthly repayments are there? Seeing repayments on the college loans drop by as much as 30% should be expected.