Credit Card Is Just A Plastic Without Pdq Machines In Today’s Scenario. Read this article to know more.
Pdq machine is a device used for processing a credit card or a debit card. PDQ stands for Process Data quickly. These machines are usually connected, by telephone to the bank. This statement is true that without pdq machines credit card is just a plastic card i.e. it is of no use today. These pdq machines are mostly seen in shops, marts, traders or retail stores. It is the easiest way of processing a credit card or a debit card. All you need to do is to swipe the card in the slot provided in the machine. Earlier when these devices were not used, there were a number of ways the credit cards were processed.
The revolution brought by pdq machines in transactions
These machines have brought a new revolution in payment methods and it takes just a few minutes for processing. Since last decade pdq machines are used by almost all the merchants, shopkeepers and traders. Not only this sometimes credit cards are swiped by the consumers on their own. The payment method is too simple. When a credit card or debit card is swiped then transactions are done and in return it gives a slip which has to signed by the card holder. For debit card the pin is required which is usually of 4 digits. Pdq machines are of compact size, about the size of a hand.
Pdq machines are portable. This machines reads the credit card information by reading the magnetic strip of the card. The price needed is entered by pressing the numbers provided on the keypad of the machine. The price is deducted from the account of the card holder. Sometimes the case arises that the magnetic strip of the card is damaged pdq machines can work in these situations also. The slip it gives is a permanent record of the transactions and is absolutely a safe transaction.
Installation of a pdq machine
On starting up the machine, a message is displayed on the screen that the terminal is connected to the phone. One must check properly that the telephone cable is connected to the machine.
After this just press the green button to start the machine and it asks for the dial prefix as yes or no. The option depends upon the type of telephone connection. If the terminal is connected directly then one must press no and if it is connected through a switchboard then one must select yes.
After this step the machine would ask that whether the telephone connection has a call waiting or not. Then according to the condition button is pressed either yes or no. Then just enter the merchant number as provided. After this step as it displays the message connecting GEMS on the screen and one may get different messages.
After this installation of this device is complete and a it gives a printed slip as a confirmation. After this the device will contact the different companies of the card and after making the connection one would get a printed confirmation.
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