Debt Consolidation Loans: Taking Control Of Your Credit Card Debts
Clearing the debt created by unsecured credit cards can be a challenge. But there a simple solution can make the task easier - a debt consolidation loan to pay off the debt in one go.
As anyone who has ever owned credit cards will attest,

card debt can build with surprising speed. It only takes a few months of missed payments to create a card balance that is almost too much to handle. But when it happens, there is a solution. A debt consolidation loan can clear it all in one payment.The challenge of clearing unsecured credit card debt is admittedly a tough one, with the slightest delay increasing the scope of the undertaking. With the average American professional owning as many as 4 credit cards, it can mean a total debt of between $20,000 and $40,000The only real solution is to swiftly clear the debt, so as to leave no room for any further delays. But is a debt consolidation program really the most effective solution to the problem?The Nature Of Credit Card DebtCredit cards are an essential tool for all of us. Even if we are not too fond of weekly shopping sprees and luxurious spending, we use cards to book cheaper air fares, hotel rooms and for bargain online shopping. The problem is that it is only a matter of time before a debt consolidation loan is needed to deal with the consequences of using the card.Of course, clearing unsecured credit card debt is not cheap, but the advantage of using a single loan sum to do so is that the immediate debt is gone, and the replacement debt is easier to manage. For example, a $10,000 loan can be repaid over 3 years for much less per month than the minimum payment the card company would have demanded.However, while a debt consolidation program seems ideal for dealing with credit cards, only personal discipline can keep any future card activity under control and prevent a similar situation from developing.Added Advantage of ConsolidationOf course, there is more to clearing a debt than simply alleviating the immediate financial pressure. There are several positive aspects to getting a debt consolidation loan, with the potential to pay off more than just existing credit card debt means the financial situation can be improved completely.When any debt is paid off, it is registered in your credit record and the credit score is adjusted. This means that by clearing unsecured credit card debt your future loan terms can be improved greatly. This includes a lower interest rate, and a high loan limit.Also, by buying out the existing debts and replacing it with a more manageable debt structure, extra cash is actually freed up. This is especially true when the terms of the debt consolidation program include a longer loan term, with monthly repayments often 50% that of the original repayments combined.Debt Consolidation CompaniesThere are two ways to secure a debt consolidation loan. The most obvious is to approach a lender – either traditional or online - and apply for a loan for the specific purpose of repaying existing debts. Generally, lenders are happy to accommodate, but the loan sum is usually limited so is fine for up to $30,000.For larger debts, it is a good idea to approach a debt consolidation company. These companies take care of the smaller details involved, and sometimes negotiate reductions with the creditors. Also, clearing unsecured credit card debt is only part of the total sum covered, with personal loans and mortgages included, if desired.Repayments are made to the company, which add on a fee for their services, and in some cases the debt consolidation program practically controls spending until the debt is cleared. However, the debt is cleared and that is the welcome point in the first place.