Using credit cards to consolidate your debts is not as effective as debt reduction.
Credit cards often have high rates of interest, and will often lead you into deeper debts. In fact, credit cards are one of the leading causes that debtors seek out debt consolidation solutions.
Debt reduction means that you are working to decrease your bills, not add or keep the bills in existence by using another source to pay off the debt. Therefore, instead of considering credit cards as a source for debt consolidation, you must find a way to reduce your debts.
Let's say you owe money for your mortgage, car payments, insurance, utilities, and other bills that add up to $1200 per month. Now, is there a way we can reduce this amount? Absolutely, but can we find a mortgage that will refinance our loan and help us to combine our monthly bills into one payment?
Yes. There are loans available that offer cash back, underpayment, and overpayment plans; as well as loans that will wrap your bills into one, combining the bills and adding them to your monthly installment.
Do not misinterpret this: your utilities are your responsibility, but for the most part, your car payment, mortgage, and any credit cards or other loans will be rolled into one monthly payment. Therefore, if you're paying out of the $1200 up to $800 per month toward car payments and mortgage, you may find a lender who will reduce this amount to $600 more or less per month.
Furthermore, if you land a loan that offers cash back, you can use this money to payoff your debts.
Finally, utilities can be reserved and grocery bills can be reduced. In addition, insurance coverage can also be reduced. Therefore, debt reduction is wiser than credit card debt consolidation in the long run.
Real Estate: Tips On Selling Your Home
Planning to sell your house? Or planning to move to a new house and selling the old one? There are some home selling tips to make your home selling attracts a buyer. You should pay attention to some aspects if you would sell your home. The price almost becomes a general of all. And then, the qualities of your house can be guarantee. The qualities include beauty, functionality, coziness, etc.Real Estate: Home Selling Tips
Home selling tips are everywhere – some suggesting things you might never thought of, some are general ones you’re likely to find everywhere. But just because they’re common doesn’t mean we should stop making them.Real Estate: Home selling processes
So many tips are being given on home selling. If only you knew where to begin with! Some homeowners get confused because they don’t have a big picture of what exactly will happen during the home selling process. While it may differ from various areas, some general steps sellers should expect are the same. The first thing to do is some preliminary planning. Though you may not feel like it, this is the step that kick-start the whole home selling process. Your house needs to be fully prepared to accept a new owner. If you plan to sell your house and buy another one, always know for a fact that you’re qualified to buy a new one before selling your old home.