Find Assistance With Foreclosure with HOPE for Homeowners
You can get aid with foreclosure from a recent program that began this last fall named HOPE for Homeowners. The foundation of this program is that you can get refinanced into a new loan that is easier to fit into your budget.
As with all areas with foreclosure,

there is no guarantee that you will meet the requirements for this program or that your lender will be able to provide this as an alternative in your special position. Before you get your hopes up that this might work for you and help with foreclosure in your situation, there are some things you should know.
A mortgage insurance premium will be payable right away. And every year after that you will have to pay one as well. There is a provision for equity and appreciation sharing with the federal government. So basically, any equity that you make in your house will have to be divided with the government. So unless you want to pay the government half of the equity that you earn in your house when you sell it, this is not a good long-term solution for you. There are also no other loans permitted on the property for the length of this loan unless that loan is being used strictly for property upkeep. So no home equity loans to help you pay back any of your other bills.
The other area you need to be aware of if you desire to utilize this as a manner to help with foreclosure is that there are some very strict essentials for even getting this kind of loan. You must have received the loan on or before January 1, 2008. The mortgage payments that you have right now has to be greater than 31% of your gross monthly income. You cannot have purposely not made your payments. And you cannot own any other homes or other sorts of residential properties.
Does this not seem like a good option to help with foreclosure to you? It might not be depending on your position. It does have rewards. Being able to keep your house is at the top of the list. Getting payments that are easier for you to afford is also another bonus. For those of you that have ARM loans, this is a path to get into a set rate loan. Another good characteristic of this plan is that you will instantly have a 3.5 percent equity in your home. This may be a good bonus if at this time you owe more on your house than what it is valued at. If that is the position for you, be conscious that your bank might not even extend this as an selection. They suffer financially with that and many lenders are not alright with that and so will not extend this to you as an choice.