Find Cheap Auto Insurance Quotes for Young North Carolina Drivers
If you are a new driver or young driver in the state of North Carolina, it can be a challenge to get a cheap auto insurance quote.
If you are a new driver or young driver in the state of North Carolina,
it can be a challenge to get a cheap auto insurance quote. This is because insurance companies who write policies in North Carolina have to surcharge new drivers for the first three years. The first year is the most expensive then it goes down the next two subsequent years. If a North Carolina driver maintains a spotless driving record, they will find a cheap auto insurance quote easier after that third year of driving experience.
How can a young driver survive those first three years when they are making the least amount of money?
1. Try to start off the first year on your parent(s) policy as a driver before getting your own vehicle.
Yes, this will cause your parents rates to jump. However, if you take responsibility to pay the difference in their cost, you will most likely pay far less than if you got your own insurance policy on your own.
If you can maintain this status just for the first year, you will receive a cheap auto insurance quote, comparatively speaking, from any quotes you would have received in the first year.
2. Don’t be too proud to drive an older car.
When you do get a car or your parents help you get a car, make it an older model that doesn’t require full coverage. You can save thousands of dollars a year just by leaving off collision, comprehensive, and rental car coverage. If you have a loan or if you have a higher value car, the physical damage coverage will cost you a much higher rate.
3. Check your discount availability.
If you have to go on your own insurance, ask the insurance company that gave you a cheap auto insurance quote what discounts they have available so you can either add some later or consider what might apply now.
If you happen to rent an apartment or a room, consider adding a small renter’s policy with the same company. Often a second policy will provide up to a 25 or 30% discount in price and might pay for the second policy. Also, consider a life insurance policy if you don’t want a renter’s policy. You will get a very cheap rate considering you are so young.
It might be a tough first year, but by taking these few steps, you can manage the cost of your auto insurance as a young person. Once you get a year’s worth of driving experience, you will find a better cheap auto insurance quote than your first one. Subsequent years provide a cheap car insurance quote until you are getting best rates.