Credit scoring is nothing new, it’s been used for 4 decades.
Today there are a large number of websites online where you can find credit report information. Certainly being able to understand what your credit report is and how it can effect whether you get a good rate of interest on a loan, mortgage or credit card is important to many people today.
Below in this article we are going to explain a little bit more about credit reports and what you can do in order to improve the rating that you have on yours currently.
All lenders today prior to agreeing to lend someone some money or give him or her a credit card will check your credit report. The information contained within these reports is collected by three main credit reporting agencies, which are Experian, TransUnion and Equifax. Who by law today are required to provide you with a copy of your report each year or as and when you request it.
Each year you are therefore entitled to obtain a free copy of your report from them and you can either contact them directly to do this or by going through one of the hundreds of online companies now offering you the chance to do it. But which ever way you choose to obtain your free copy with them all you will need to provide certain information in order to ensure that you get the correct copy of your report.
Whether you get your copy through one of the three main credit reporting agencies or through using a credit reporting site such as say "" you will need to provide them with the following information.
1. Your Name (for married women you may want to think about getting one in your married and single names) 2. Your Address (the one at which you are currently living) 3. Your Social Security Number
Once you have provided them with this information they will then be able to provide you with a copy of your credit report. You have two choices as to how the report is presented to you. You can either request a copy online, which you are then able to review and print off or you arrange for a copy to be mailed to you. But if you are looking to get a loan in the very near future then doing it online is much simpler and quicker to do and will ensure that any problems with your credit report can be rectified much more quickly as well.
When you do find your credit report and you find some mistakes or errors on it that should not be there it is important that you immediately contact the credit reporting agency who has provided it. Initially make a call to them concerning your query and then immediately follow this up with a letter with any documentation (copies) which shows why you feel this error or mistake should be removed from your report.
So if you are someone who wants to keep up with his or her finances and to ensure that nothing untoward occurs in the future it is a good idea to find credit report information and regularly view it.
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