Fixed Annuity Essentials
When it comes to fixed annuities there are some basics that should be understood. Factors that have impact on when you sell annuity proceeds need to be understood. Here's a look at the fixed annuity.
Most of us are planning strategic ways to increase our income for our time of retirement. There are various ways to do this and the best ways are to not put all our eggs into one basket. With that said,

you should learn the things you need to know about a fixed annuity. For starters, this is really a contract between yourself and an insurance company of your choice.
This insurance company will pay you a guaranteed fixed income for the decided term. Usually, the term of the contract is until the death.
It is a wonderful way to provide financial freedom in one's golden years. How better to live your life than having an income that is guaranteed for years. This agreement between the insurance company and yourself requires a specified investment on your part which the insurer will hold, and later on will repay you with interest.
It is tax free up to the point of withdrawal with the deferred fixed annuity. The contract drawn up by the insurer will stipulate the terms of the amount invested and repayment, and the length of time in between where you are not permitted to withdraw any of the funds. This period could be anywhere from up to 10 years, and even more sometimes.
This lump sum investment, as is usually the case is made at the signing of the contract. You will also have to consider the terms of repayment of the amount, along with interest. The capital amount will not be allowed to be touched once repayment begins. This is key as large surrender charges will have some impact when you go to sell annuity proceeds.
Pensions, either government or private are usually not enough to sustain our lifestyles and that is why it is important to plan your future properly. Your golden years should be full of opportunities that were missed due to life's responsibilities. But with proper investments such as this, you could enjoy those worry-free, knowing that you have the funds to do so.