I tried this program first hand because many traders were calling this program an outright scam, so this article will debunk or confirm rumors of a Forex Autopilot scam once and for all.
When people think of automated forex robots, they generally think of Forex Autopilot which is one of the first and most successful robots covering the market. With updates, this program is still immensely popular and effective according to some.
Forex Autopilot is a forex auto trader program designed to both give newbies an edge in their trading regiments as well as make it easier on more experienced traders to trade effectively in certain areas of the market or to cover gaps in their schedules, basically act as if they're there but when they're not.
I've been trading forex for years now, but I'm always ready to cut a corner or two if possible just like many traders that I know. I've tried other forex auto traders in the past, some with success, some with utter failure. Immediately following the download and quick installation, this system up and trading right away if you let it. I ran it within the confines of a practice account as I always do when I try a new auto trader before establishing that it's profitable or not.
While I found that Forex Autopilot won a good number of its trades, it didn't win enough to make me feel comfortable enough to let it run on, well, autopilot. The problem is that it goes for high risk/reward trades at times which are better left in the hands of a more experienced trader/trading system. It also doesn't have some basic protocols to give you a degree of control over the way it trades if you're interested in doing so.
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