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Forex options are calculated with 'Greeks'. A basic explanation of these 'Greeks' will help you understand how and why the forex options move and behave in a certain way. An option is a derivative and how it's value is derived is from a formula that combines these Greeks together. The Greeks are how these options respond to various factors such as price movement, time decay, volatility, and interest rates.
There are 5 Greeks involved and we share go through them one by one.
The speed of the option's price gain or loss against the gain or loss of the 'mother' or underlying asset price is known as the Delta. The Delta is a figure that shows us how fast or slow the option will move relative to its 'mother' or underlying asset. A Delta of 1 means the option price is moving at the same speed and direction as the 'mother' or underlying asset. A Delta of -1 means the option price is moving in the opposite direction for every point the 'mother' or underlying asset moves.
The probability of an option expiring in-the-money is also expressed in the Delta. An at the money call option has a Delta of 0.5; i.e., 50%, meaning a 50% chance of expiring in the money. A deep in the money call will have a Delta of near 1, or 100%, meaning a near 100% chance of expiration in the money. A very out-of-the-money call option will have a Delta of close to zero, meaning a near zero chance of expiring in the money.
To be continue at... Forex Options Trading - How Forex Options are calculated (Part 2 of 2)
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