Getting a Personal Loan with Even the Most Horrible Credit

May 18


Devora Witts

Devora Witts

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Poor credit can certainly hold you back from enjoying the credit that you need. But you can get a personal loan with bad credit, as millions of borrowers do each year.

Attempting to get any type of loan or financing with a poor credit score is difficult. The current economic situation only makes the loan process more difficult. Having poor credit will cause some of the more mainstream financial institutions to pass on offering you a loan. This can leave you between a rock and a hard place. Luckily there are loans available to people with poor credit. But digging in and really looking at the details of these loans is an important step to getting the best loan even with not the best credit score.Your Credit ScoreDo you know what your credit score is? Having this information is paramount to getting the right loan. You might have a basic idea that you have poor credit,Getting a Personal Loan with Even the Most Horrible Credit Articles but without knowing what is on your credit report, you don’t have a full picture. Legally everyone can print a copy of their credit report once a quarter. Going to the three major credit agencies and having a copy of your credit report is the first step to take before going after a personal loan.Once you have your credit report check it over thoroughly. Often people find false, misreported, or incorrect information on their reports. Getting this information corrected will not only help to get you a higher credit score, but will also help in getting you the personal loan you are in need of.Lending InstitutionsThere are so many choices in financial institutions it is hard to know where to start. A simple internet search will show you just how many choices there are. No matter which personal loan you end up going with it is important to do a little research on the lending institution before signing any loan paper work.If you end up choosing a personal loan with a company that is strictly online make sure you have contact information and speak with a live agent. Verify their contact information and make sure they have a physical location, even if it is not near where you are located. Find out how long they have been in business and check with the Better Business Bureau to see if they have had any major complaints filed against them.Interest Rates and Hidden FeesWhen you have a poor credit rating you will often have to pay a higher interest rate on personal loans. This makes the cost of the loan more expensive over time. Before signing any contract read it over very carefully. Verify that you can afford the monthly cost of paying the personal loan back to the financial institution. The last thing you want to do it lower your credit score further by defaulting on a new personal loan.When you read your loan paper work over check to make sure there are not any fees you were not told directly about. Is there a monthly fee? Is there and annual fee? Is there are signing fee? All of these things can add up. Know what you are signing by reading any personal loan paper work.