Having the Right Attitude to Get Help With Foreclosure
Find out how you can get help with foreclosure from your mortgage company’s foreclosure specialist. Find out how controlling your attitude can change the service that you get.
Ever hear the phrase “attitude is everything?” When you are working with the foreclosure specialist at your mortgage company,

that is certainly the case. Your attitude can significantly affect the service that you receive from your mortgage company’s representatives. I know that my attitude affected the level of service that I received during my foreclosure process. They were more willing to
help with foreclosure when I was pleasant to them. When I was angry or unpleasant, they did not answer their phone or did not return my calls.
You have to understand something about their job. They deal with foreclosures every day, every hour of every day in their job. Can you imagine what that must be like, the constant stress they are under, the constant battles with borrowers like you? How they get people to take these jobs at all is a mystery to me. So given that this is their life at work, let me ask you something: If you were in their shoes, who would you call back first and who would you try to help with foreclosure, someone who was yelling at you or someone who was calm, rational and pleasant? The advice of not judging someone until you have walked a mile in their shoes applies here. Think about what their day is like and strive to be a pleasant part of it instead of a painful part. You will get better help with foreclosure from them.
Think about the kind of person that you enjoy dealing with in your own job and strive to be that person for the foreclosure specialist that you are dealing with. You will be more likely to get
help with foreclosure and a pleasant side effect is that you also have a better attitude about your foreclosure. That is certainly how it happened for me.
Another good tip that increase your chances of getting help with foreclosure is to always thank the foreclosure specialist for their time. Everyone likes to be appreciated. They are not trying to put up roadblocks in your way, they are simply stating their company’s policy. Hopefully they are upfront with you from the beginning about what that is. But even if they are not, still strive to be pleasant and even tempered. For your own sake if for no one else’s.