Health Insurance Plan Option in Florida for Low Income
With the health reforms in place, Florida can witness a phenomenal decrease in the number of uninsured citizens in addition to the cost of healthcare facilities and costs of premiums significantly coming down. The affordability act will therefore make low income health insurance a practical reality in Florida.
This will mean that more than 4 million citizens of the state will have health plans; around 1.2 million residents of Florida will gain access to group health insurance at their workplaces; over 2.5 million Florida state residents will have a sanction of tax credits that will enable them buy low income health insurance plans in Florida. In addition,

the act will also see that the prices of drugs will be halved for more than 565,000 senior citizens living in the state. Interestingly, about 290,000 small scale businesses in the Florida state will enjoy tax credits for offering health coverage to their employees. Thus, low income health insurance is rapidly being realized in the Florida state.
The various features of the low income health insurance in Florida are as follows. Insurers will not be able to implement lifetime or annual limits on the health insurance policies they sell. Therefore, the subscribers need not burn their pockets while paying for their huge medical bills. A limit will have to be placed on how much can be spent on out-of-pocket expenses on treatments, which will automatically include premiums and co-pays. The state will fund a high risk pool worth $351 million federal dollars, which will advance the possibility of low income health insurance in Florida by helping the Florida adults reported with pre-existing conditions to get the full benefits of health insurance policies with no extra charges. Subscribers to health insurance can henceforth avail of preventive healthcare services like breast cancer screening in addition to vaccinations for a wide range of risks like flu totally free of cost thereby low income health insurance becoming a feasibility in the Florida state. The process of appeal for claims will be regulated thereby easily settling disputes. Cases of emergency and instances when Florida wants to consult ob-gyn will not require prior authorization. Thus the state has witnessed a phenomenal advancement in the arena of low income health insurance Florida.
Low income health insurance in Florida will benefit senior citizens of the Florida state in the following ways. More than 280,000 early retirees in the Florida state can gain access to health plans enabled by a federal funding of $5billion. Over 271,000 Medicare beneficiaries will be given a one-time rebate of $250 when they hit the donut hole. Low income health insurance in Florida will also benefit children in the Florida state as follows. Health status will not be a criterion for denying health insurance coverage to children reported with pre-existing health conditions. Young adults can continue to stay covered within their parents’ health insurance policies as dependents till the age of 26. This will benefit over 87,000 children in the Florida state, who will not have to worry about health insurance coverage till their graduation and employment.
The Affordability act in the state has significantly made low income health insurance Florida highly possible in the following way. Florida residents who fall within the low income bracket and those living in underserved regions will benefit from Community Health Centers and National Health Service Corps, which will receive more funding. Medicaid will become more flexible to cover more people in the Florida state irrespective of their financial status, age and health conditions. Thus, the Florida State has seen a major advance in low income health insurance. Florida citizens can easily purchase health insurance plans at highly affordable cost with a little research in the insurance market or by resorting to government sponsored health insurance plans that will suit thousands of families in the state helping them buy low income health insurance in Florida.